acceptable or reasonable because of
to force down: to apply pressure to reduce, lower, or cut
to totter: to be unstable or unsteady
preconceived: predetermined, prearranged, predecided
to dismantle something: to demolish or destroy something
well-meaning: kind, benevolent, caring
as a given: as a matter-of-factness, as a matter-of-course
to tense up: to feel under pressure, nervous, keyed-up, or strained
to exude: to emanate, to display, to radiate, to ooze, to emit
to convey: to communicate, to suggest, to get across, to express
calmness: serenity, tranquillity, quietness
to be naturally imbedded in something: to be a normal part or element of something
mumbling: muttering, murmuring
emphasising: underlining, underscoring, accentuating
to revise: to reconsider, to review
to be completely rounded: to flow naturally and without interruption
to surround: to encircle, to enfold, to ring, to gird
to feature: to include, to have
combination lock: security device, safety feature
to imply: to signify, to mean, to indicate
to scare: to alarm, to make nervous, to intimidate, to shock
revaluated: upgraded, more important
elbow room: leeway, room for manoeuvre
to take apart: to disassemble, to take to pieces, to take to bits
Capítulo 2
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Trabajo en equipo y gestión
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En este capítulo
• Reglas básicas para trabajar en equipo
• Motivación y gestión del equipo de trabajo
• Miembros del equipo fuera de la empresa: los centros de llamadas y el cliente
• El vendedor como analista del mercado
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La complejidad existente hoy en día en los negocios hace imprescindible disponer de un buen equipo de trabajo y de una óptima filosofía de gestión para obtener el máximo rendimiento. Sólo así se consigue afrontar nuevos retos, alcanzar grandes objetivos y conseguir los beneficios que hacen posible que una empresa siga adelante.
El trabajo en equipo es un trabajo entre personas y, como tal, requiere mucha mano izquierda por parte de la persona que se encuentre al frente de él, que debe saber manejar los distintos caracteres de los miembros que lo componen. De su gestión dependerá el éxito o el fracaso de sus proyectos y, en última instancia, el éxito o el fracaso de la empresa.
Rules for good teamwork
Together, not against each other: That is the simple recipe for successful teamwork between the field sales force and in-house sales.
Collaboration with the field sales force is not always optimal. Misunderstandings, prejudices and the lack of knowledge about what the other one really has to manage are often named as reasons. The following rules help to improve the climate between the field and the in-house sales force:
• Realise that the field sales force depends on you. Do not use this “ to put the screws to them.” The more you support the field sales force, the greater you and your achievements will be valued and recognised.
• Maintain an open exchange of information. Aside from the “official” sales meetings, regular semi-private meetings are recommended, for example, on late Friday afternoon. Those help in getting to know each other as individuals and to find out more about the others problems and needs in order to gain a better understanding of each other.
• Clarify all questions pertaining to organisational structures and put them in writing. That way, there are clear rules that everyone has to adhere to : the field sales force knows that there is no grace period for handing in the contract lists and that elaborate proposals can only be sent out “immediately” as an exception to the rule .
• Profit from each other’s experiences. If particular members of the sales team hold onto their knowledge for the sake of control , this will quickly result in in-house power plays that will ultimately play out at the expense of the customer. Therefore, enter all new information about customers into the database