Blurred Lines
pretty damn obvious you want nothing to do with me anymore.”
    I wanted to tell him the rest, how she said I was nothing more than a fuck to him, but saying it loud would only drive the knife in deeper, and I wasn’t sure I was willing to bleed any more than I already had.
    Not for Reid, and not for the remnants of our friendship.
    I was done.
    “Jade - ”
    “No,” I intercepted. “The fact that you believe her, after knowing me all my life, says it all. We’re done here, Reid.”
    “No, we’re not,” he snapped. “Tell me what happened!”
    “She already told you. What’s the point of repeating it if you won’t believe me?”
    He roughly pulled his fingers through his hair, and expelled an exasperated breath. “She said - ”
    “Doesn’t matter. We’re done Reid, for good. I’m done. Now let me go.”
    He looked at me one last time, his eyes filled with everything he wanted to say but couldn’t. My lip trembled, and the tears fell as I looked away. I felt him move away from me, and when the doors shut with him on the outside, I felt the tear, the loss, the end .
    GRADY HELD MY HAIR back as I spewed the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl. My body heaved, and my muscles cramped with the exertion. There was nothing left, but my body kept heaving. It was physically painful, and I had tears running down my cheeks as a result. After the showdown with Stella, and the conversation with Reid that had followed, I’d come back to our room, and taken a hot shower before climbing into bed. Two hours later, I was running for the bathroom, ready to hurl my insides out.
    And I sure as hell did.
    “I think we need to get a doctor up here,” said Grady. He was rubbing my back while I shook, and continued to be sick, despite having nothing left to bring up.
    I wiped my mouth, and gladly took the wet washcloth he handed me. “No, but I think I need to leave.”
    I didn’t want to be there any longer, and it had nothing to do with spending the last hour praying to the porcelain Gods.
    “You sure?” He asked, crouching down in front of me. “We can always wait it out, and see how you feel tomorrow morning. It might just be something you ate.”
    I leaned my head against the cold tiled wall behind me. “Get me my phone please?”
    He left, and returned minutes later, handing me my phone. There was only one person I knew to call at times like this, one person who would always come to my rescue.
    I pressed my phone to my ear, and waited while it rang.
    “Hi, darling.” My mothers’ thick Spanish accent greeted my ears, and I’d never been so happy to hear her voice.
    “Mama,” I greeted, my throat scratchy, and my voice hoarse.
    “Jade, what’s wrong?” She asked, sounding alarmed.
    “I need to come home,” I said, my voice thickening with emotion.
    “Is everything okay?”
    I shook my head, and then remembered she couldn’t see me.
    “No,” I replied, “Do you think daddy can send the jet? I need to come home, please.”
    “Of course. I’ll call him right now. Will you be okay to get to the airport?”
    “I’ll catch a cab.” I groaned when my stomach cramped, and tried to breathe through the pain.
    “Okay darling, you be careful, and we will see you soon.”
    “Thanks mama.”
    I pulled the phone away and clicked end.
    “There’s no fucking way you’re going to the airport alone,” said Grady. “Get your stuff packed while I call a cab.”
    I gave him a weak smile. “I love you, you know that right?”
    He patted my knee, returning my smile with a gentle one of his own.
    “Of course, my tootsie roll.”
    I hadn’t told him what had happened with Stella, but he was too astute not to know that I’d been feeling unlike myself because of Reid. He was just kind enough not to bring it up right then.
    “You’re going to be fine,” he said softly, helping me from the floor. “You’ll see.”
    For once I actually agreed with him. I was going to be fine. I just needed some time to
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