Blurred Lines
get there.

Chapter 4
The Hotel Room, Cabo
    K ennedy scowled at me from the living room when I walked into the hotel room we were sharing. Dane was whispering something to her, but looked at me as soon as he heard the door shut.
    “Well?” Asked Kennedy, folding her arms across her chest. “Did you talk to her?”
    “Yeah,” I replied, resting my hands on my hips. “She didn’t deny hitting Stella.”
    “Seriously, Reid? Is all that sex with Stella fucking with your head?” Kennedy flung her arm out and pointed in the direction of the bedroom where I was staying with my girlfriend, Stella. “You know Jade better than her fucking parents do, and you honestly believe she’d lift her hands to someone?”
    “Kitten, calm down,” said Dane, rubbing Kennedy’s back.
    “NO!” She cried, snapping her head towards him. “Stella lied, and Reid refuses to see it! We saw her straddling Jade, trying to hit her!”
    “I know, baby,” he kisses her forehead. “Just calm down, okay?”
    He looked at her adoringly, and I felt a pang in my chest. That was how a man was supposed to look at the woman he loved, like he’d move mountains for her, die saving her. It’s how I looked at Jade when she wasn’t looking.
    I’d never looked at Stella that way, not once, and despite what Kennedy and Dane believed, I had yet to have sex with her. Every time I tried, I couldn’t bring myself to do it, so I always made up some excuse instead. Lately though, Stella had been acting a little crazier, more possessive. It made no sense. I’d agreed to stay away from Jade, just like she’d asked me to, fucking begged me to, but it wasn’t helping. Fuck knows why I listened because I was fucking miserable without Jade in my life.
    Then why was I still with Stella?
    When I was with her, I wasn’t so obsessed with Jade, and I found some semblance of reprieve from the constant throb in my chest.
    “Go take a shower and climb into bed,” Dane told Kennedy. “I’ll be there soon.”
    Kennedy turned her angry, watery glare in my direction one last time, and then skulked off to their bedroom.
    When Dane finally looked at me, I saw so much fury, and disappointment in his eyes that it winded me. He’d never looked at me that way before, and I had no fucking clue what to make of it. It was like he didn’t know me at all.
    Had I really changed that much?
    But no one had the right to judge me. They knew nothing about what had happened with me and Jade, and everything they thought they knew was total bullshit.
    Jade had been my best friend for years, and I’d always loved her, but when she rejected me she completely fucking annihilated me. Left me a broken man. So I did my best to move on.
    “I’m dying to know what makes you think Jade had any reason to lie to you,” said Dane. “Because I saw what Stella did to her Reid, and whatever Stella said to you, is fucking trash.”
    “Yeah? Then tell me why she has a bruised cheek, and a busted lip.”
    He frowned, looking truly perplexed. “She was fine when she walked away from us. She didn’t have a single mark on her face, or anywhere else.”
    “That’s not how it looked,” I barked, irritated. “I saw her face when she found me, and it definitely looked like she’d been hit.”
    Dane rubbed his hands down his face, and let out a breathless chuckle. “Unbelievable.” He shook his head, and looked down, a snarky smile pulling at his lips. “Ah that’s perfect, just fucking perfect.”
    “What the fuck are you carrying on about, man? Stella is in the next room, icing her damn face.”
    With a shake of his head, Dane looked up and replied, “The fact that you think Jade would do anything to Stella proves how stupid you are. You’ve stayed away from Jade because Stella told you to, and now you believe that Jade hit her. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds?”
    “What do you expect me to do?” I bellowed, not worrying about who heard me. “Jade
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