Love Finds You in Frost Minnesota

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Book: Love Finds You in Frost Minnesota Read Online Free PDF
Author: Judy Baer
Tags: Minnesota, Love Finds You in Frost
the checkout counter laden with a tangle of garlands.
    “Do you have crystal icicles? These would look lovely with icicles dripping from them.”
    “I have just the thing,” Merry assured her and headed to the other side of the room. “Come with me.”
    And so it went until closing time. As she was about to lock the door, Mr. Frost appeared on the front step.
    Merry waved him in. “Hurry inside. I don’t want anyone else to think we’re still open.” She locked the door, pulled the shade on the door’s window, and flipped the Open sign to Closed .
    “Busy day?” He eyed her as if assessing her tousled hair.
    She pulled a strand of shiny red garland from around her neck and dropped it onto the counter.
    “At four we had a van load of ladies for a Christmas tea. I haven’t sat down since noon, and all I’ve had to eat is gingerbread cookies. If you’d like a snack, come into the kitchen while I make myself something to eat. Did you have dinner?” She’d decided on her drive home from school that she wasn’t going to be intimidated by this man, no matter what he said about Christmas or how much of Frost he owned. From now on, he was simply a guest, not one who might disrupt everything in this little town she loved.
    He shook his head slowly. “I’d planned to, but time got away from me. I was halfway to Frost before I even remembered I hadn’t stopped to eat.” He ran his fingers through the tumble of his dark hair. He looked as though he’d been doing that a lot. “This has been a frustrating day. Most of the stuff I’m looking for isn’t on a computer, so I’m up to my ears in dusty old papers.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “And for every step forward, I seem to be taking two steps back.”
    Merry felt him trailing behind her as she entered the kitchen. She pointed to a kitchen chair. “Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, eggnog . . .?”
    “Coffee, strong.”
    Something in his voice made her study him. He wasn’t as pressed and polished as he’d been this morning. His demeanor was weary. “I’m sorry if you had a bad day.”
    “I’ve had better. Also worse. Mostly it was just long. It appears that the deeds on the land my grandfather left have some errors made in recording that need to be corrected.”
    “Can’t that be taken care of?”
    “With time. I’d hoped to leave here in a couple days, but that’s not possible, I’m afraid. I might as well stick with this now that I’m here.”
    She put a mug in front of him and a plate of her favorites—white cake bites covered with frosting and crushed peanuts. Then she dropped into the chair across from him. “Does this mean that you’ll be staying here awhile longer, or do you plan to find a hotel in Blue Earth?”
    He hesitated before answering, she noted.
    “I suppose I should get out of your hair during your busy season.” He bit into the cake and chewed thoughtfully. “But the food’s good here.”
    She was surprised at the answer, thinking he’d be gone in a heartbeat. “No problem.” Merry dipped her head when she added, “I wouldn’t mind the business.” Even from you, a Christmas Grinch .
    He nodded, deal made. When he was done with his coffee, he rose from his chair and headed for the stairs. “I think I’ll shower before dinner.”
    She nodded absently and watched him walk toward the stairs. His shoulders were broad. He’d probably spent time lifting weights. His hips were narrow and his legs long.
    Merry usually preferred men in blue jeans—casual, laid-back types who smiled easily and drove pickup trucks—a result of living in a farming community, most likely. Still, much to her chagrin, Jack Frost defied all her preferences and still didn’t come up wanting.
    The thought didn’t linger long, though, as her mind turned to dinner and to little Greta and her uncertain future. That was where her prayers needed to focus tonight.

Chapter Four
    • • • • • • • • • •
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