Blood Love (God Wars Book 4)

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Book: Blood Love (God Wars Book 4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Connie Suttle
    "She wasn't dead? Rathik didn't kill her?" Gavin stared at me in surprise.
    "No. She set somebody else up to be killed in her place. Somebody surgically enhanced to look like her. Rathik was her lapdog. He'd never lay a hand on her unless she told him to."
    "You were doing this investigation while you lived at the palace?" Rigo asked.
    "Yeah. I sent a message to Kooper, telling him that Erithia was still alive. I don't know whether he ignored it, didn't get it or had already forgotten about me by that time. Either way, there was no response, Erithia was still plotting murder and nobody was willing to listen to me. What else was I supposed to do?"
    Gavin cursed softly in Italian at my explanation. Lissa frowned at him. I could tell she was having a mental conversation with my sire, but I didn't want to guess what it might be.
    "Was this the only Sirenali you destroyed?" Pheligar asked.
    "No. I killed another one on Bexari," I said. "He was Erithia's brother. Hank killed one in San Francisco, but there were four others working with that one," I said. "I really need to go hunt them down."
    "Breanne, you're not going anywhere until you recover," Kevis pointed out.
    "Kevis, I can't walk from here to the door without feeling faint. What makes you think I could go anywhere right now?"
    "Are we sparring?" Kevis grinned mischievously.
    "If that's what you want to call it," I shrugged uncomfortably. Everybody was watching me again, and I felt as if I were the only fish in a fishbowl, surrounded by children who were all tapping on the glass.
    "Dearest, Kevis only means to keep you from harming yourself," Graegar pointed out.
    "I know."
    "Eat, now. Your food is getting cold. We will speak of other things later."
    I was tired when I dipped into my soup, although the soup was good. Someone knew how to make miso soup with seaweed and small chunks of tofu, so I almost emptied the small bowl placed in front of me.
    * * *
    Lissa's Journal
    Breanne almost passed out after eating, so Trajan put her back in bed. Graegar and Barrigar went with him. Surprisingly, all three reptanoids followed.
    "Ashe," I said, while setting my fork down with a sigh.
    "Lissa?" The Mighty Hand gazed at me from across the table.
    "Can you remove compulsion?"
    "Ye-es," he said cautiously.
    "Good. Will you come with me after dinner? There are three instances of compulsion that need to be removed, with no trace left behind."
    "That may be a little harder, but I think I can do that," Ashe nodded.
    "Great. Thank you. I'll explain on the way."
    "I'd appreciate that." Ashe went back to his chateaubriand with a nod.
    * * *
    "Kooper, this is Ashe." Ashe and I walked into the office Kooper kept inside my palace.
    Kooper looked up from the comp-vid in his hand, a puzzled expression on his face. "Lissa? I thought you were off-planet for the evening."
    "We made an unplanned trip back. I found out how Erithia Cordan's casino was destroyed," I began. Ashe moved carefully behind me, and I knew he was gathering energy to do what needed to be done.
    "How?" Kooper's interest was immediate. "Trevor and I have been trying to solve that conundrum for a while."
    "The compulsion is removed," Ashe stepped forward, his eyes darkened and filled with stars. "You will not recall it or who placed it," he added compulsion of his own.
    Kooper blinked for a moment, before his eyes focused on me again. "How?" he repeated his question.
    "Breanne destroyed it," I explained, almost holding my breath. Would he remember her now?
    "Bree?" Kooper stood almost faster than I could follow the movement. "Where is she? Is she all right? I want to talk to her. Now."
    "Kooper, we need to talk," I said, gesturing for him to sit down again. "But there are two more we need to talk with at the same time. Ashe, will you get Trevor and Stellan for me?" I turned to Ashe, who nodded silently and disappeared.
    "Is Breanne all right?" Kooper repeated. He was worried. Terrified, actually. He loved her, there was no
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