Blood Love (God Wars Book 4)

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Book: Blood Love (God Wars Book 4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Connie Suttle
center, which held drawers and storage spaces all around.
    Someone had also provided clothing, and I had no idea who that was. My chin was tickled again as I stared at the sunlight filtering through wide, pale wood blinds, made from a tree that only grew on a few worlds.
    Lifting a hand to my chin, I immediately understood the source of the tickling. "How did you get here?" A friendly lion snake blinked at me as I touched the top of his head. Two more snakes popped up around me, bringing the total count to three lion snakes. They all blinked hopefully at me, as if they expected something.
    "Hey," I stroked the head of the first one gently. No, these weren't as long or as broad as the friendly snake on Le-Ath Veronis, but I had the idea he was an anomaly and they weren't normally that big.
    Eventually, all three snakes curled about me while I petted them with both hands. They seemed to enjoy that immensely, and blinked pitifully if I pulled my hands away for any reason.
    All three lifted their heads when Bill walked in. They didn't hiss at him, which meant they recognized and liked Bill.
    "Time for breakfast," Bill announced. "Want to help get her dressed?" he spoke directly to the snakes.
    "We help." I gasped when the first one changed to humanoid. These were lion snake shapeshifters—I just hadn't thought to read any of them. The other two changed, then, and my bed was suddenly crowded.
    All three were around five-six, had dark hair, handsome features and lovely smiles as they slid off my bed, completely naked. Well, most shapeshifters didn't have a modest bone in their bodies—Opal didn't. I didn't even want to start with the werewolves. Yeah, I'd seen Trajan, Winkler and the Grand Master naked. It didn't bother them a bit.
    "Where clothes?" one of them asked Bill. They intended to dress me first, looked like.
    "Chazi, why don't you and your brothers dress while I pick something out, and then you can help her," Bill suggested. I watched him—he had a grin on his face, the schmuck.
    "Sound good," another said. "We dress. You find something for Love."
    Lowering my shields, I read them. I wanted to smile. They had a peculiar shortcut through Alliance common, plus another language they only spoke with each other.
    There were eight reptanoids—all brothers, but these three felt I was theirs. I read in them why they thought that, and added another task to a growing list I kept in my head. It didn't matter—they were loyal to a fault and would defend my life with theirs. I'd seldom seen that kind of devotion in anybody.
    Bill picked out fleece trousers, socks, a soft T-shirt and comfortable underwear. I ended up in the bathroom while Chazi, Perzi and Bekzi dressed me. That was certainly a different experience for me, and I struggled to hide any embarrassment as one lifted me while another slipped my feet into panties and pulled them up.
    They gabbled amongst themselves while they dressed me, discussed how things fastened and warned one another not to pinch me anywhere. I felt I had to tell them that I understood what they were saying. "Honey," I tapped Chazi's chin as he smiled at me, "I understand all languages, including the one you use with your brothers. I hope that doesn't upset you."
    "You understand?" Chazi's eyes lit up.
    "Yes," I nodded.
    "We glad." He pulled me against him and tucked my head against his shoulder. "Nobody else understand," he breathed. "This good. Very good."
    "We have guests at breakfast," Bill said when three reptanoids herded me out of the bathroom after slipping socks on my feet. "Want to walk or fold?" Bill was almost bursting with something—his eyes twinkled mischievously. I forced myself not to read him.
    "Fold; I don't want to faint before I get there," I said.
    "Good enough." Bill folded me and my three lion snake shapeshifters to the kitchen.
    * * *
    The cook's back was turned to us when we arrived, and Bill and Chazi fussed about getting me settled on a barstool at the massive island. I
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