Black Legion: 04 - Last Stand

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Book: Black Legion: 04 - Last Stand Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael G. Thomas
Now it seemed the Emperor’s only concern was his Core Worlds. Once they were safe, it was for any of the Satraps to deal with, and that galled him more than anything else.
    So, he thinks this Amyrtaeus of Sais is the real threat? I’ll drag the ruins of the Titans to Babylon Prime and show him my value.

    * * *

    Planet Larissa, Core Worlds
    The dromon dropped down into the thick atmosphere with a series of rough vibrations, shaking the craft from front to back. The exterior flashed and burned, but the armour and light shielding did its job to protect the vessel, and in just a few minutes, they were through and heading for the surface. A final vibration marked its descent as the spoilers and airbrakes deployed on their lowest setting. The airspeed dropped substantially, and then the journey changed as quickly as the vibrations had started. The internal screens showed a wide panoramic view of the planet below for the passengers to examine.
    “Seven minutes,” said the pilot half-heartedly.
    Larissa was one of the richest agricultural worlds the Terrans had ever seen, even when compared to the richest rural worlds back in the Terran territories. It was the only habitable planet in the current star system, yet produced enough food for half of all the key worlds around Babylon Prime for which it was responsible. A dozen stations circled the planet to assist in loading and offloading supplies, people, and equipment. Half of the Terran fleet remained in orbit while the rest waited in a holding pattern further out in space, all waiting and ready for signs of the Medes and their warships that were expected to arrive at any moment.
    The Terrans had already made a dozen jumps prior to arriving just three hours after a massive Median convoy had jumped out, leaving the world completely free of Imperial security forces, apart from a single antiquated Median heavy cruiser. The ship had survived less than ninety seconds when the Legion ships attacked it. The black shape of the wreckage entering the atmosphere was now visible from the dromon as it continued downwards.
    Only the regional security units, local police, and an armed citizenry remained to protect against pirates and marauders. These had all wisely stayed out of the way as the Terran ships moved into position. Though just as significant as many of the populated worlds in the Empire, it couldn’t have been more different that the rest. The surface was devoid of great cities, and most transportation was conducted using solar powered aircraft and large ground trains that used magnetic-levitation tracks that criss-crossed the fertile world.
    “This place looks boring as hell,” grumbled Glaucon.
    Xenophon chuckled at his friend. The two had visited scores of worlds, and even he had to admit this place was one of the least interesting he’d ever seen. Even so, after spending so much time in space or fighting on planets like Cunaxa, it would be nice to set foot on somewhere more peaceful. His own family had large rural holdings on Attica where there was still a great deal of arable land, even quite close to the capital.
    “It will get a whole lot more interesting if that ship comes down anywhere near here,” replied Xenophon.
    “It won’t make much of a difference,” added Roxana, “Almost the entire surface of this world is water or farmland.”
    She’d been silent for the duration of their descent from the fleet. Of them all, she was the oldest though only by a few years. She was tall, even bigger than Xenophon, and her thick auburn hair and grey eyes had caught the attention of many of the other Terrans, both male and female. Even so, she’d been nothing but the most committed of the Legion, and her knowledge and skills were second to none amongst them.
    “True. Just don’t forget what our luck has been like recently.”
    Tamara groaned and attention quickly shifted to the young woman who was barely older than a girl. She rubbed her aching leg and grimaced. There
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