However, after the third week, she decided that his ill treatment and insults had to end. Christine decided she had to speak with him. She waited until the slaves returned to their cabins, and went to see Julian. “What do you want of me? I still hate you. I don’t know why you are punishing me by still having me, do your errands. Set me free from your presence and let me be.” “Shut, the hell up! and hear me now, turn around and look at me!” Julian turned and saw that Christine is a force to be reckoned with and decided to
back down. A little. “I am looking, now what. ” “I told, you, three weeks ago, that I did not influence poppa to sell, your precious, little twit. Yeah, I said twit, don’t look so shocked. I did not tell poppa to sell her. You look at me. Do you think I am lying?” “I really, don’t give a fuck! you are lying now as you were then.” After, looking at Christine for a few minutes, he decided to calm down and really look at her. From the look in her eyes, he knew she was not lying. “Julian, please believe me, I did not do what I am being accused of. I admit, I love you. But, I would never stoop so low as to get rid of my competition in that manner.” He finally said, “I believe you, I am so lost and empty without her. She was my companion, my lover and my friend. What will I do without her Miss Christine?” She looked at him and realised she was truly in love with loved him, and do not know what her next steps will be. “I just wish, I could get a letter to her, to let her know, I still loved her with all my heart and am praying, we will get back together soon. I tried to get a pass to go to Ruth’s plantation to see her, but somehow my request was denied.” “Julian, please write that letter, I will personally deliver it to Lizzie, do you still have any pen and paper lying around?” “You would do that, even though you said, you loved me?” She softly answered, “If this will make you happy, then yes I will see what I can do ok.” After he completed the letter, he said, “Christine, before you leave, err can I call you Christine? Anyway, I appreciate that you love me, you are kind and wonderful human being. Please understand, I cannot return the same now, I am still mourning Lizzie. Plus I am a slave, it would be impossible for us to be together.” He smiled as he spoke, there goes those sexy dimples, she thought. God, please help me. “I will pray that my feelings for you will cease one day, I know it is impossible for us to be together. Oh God, why is life so unfair? I am about to be wed to one of the most disgusting human being on the face of this earth.” She realised, she was steering, the conversation to her pain and decided to be quiet. “I am sorry, I will get that letter to Lizzie for you ok.” “Christine, I appreciate your help, one more thing, I would like to continue receiving lessons from you.” She squeezed, his hands and left. She rode to the McGregor estates and found Lizzie, she was being instructed on her job function. “Christine, how are you doing my child, good to see you.” Ruth was an elderly white haired woman, with kind features. “I am fine, if you don’t mind, I would like to speak with Lizzie alone.” “Whatever, for my dear? she is just a slave, what do you have in common with her?” “Please, Mrs. McGregor, I just need a few minutes of her time.” “Oh, ok but only for a few minutes, this girl has a lot of work to do today.” With that she left the room, as soon as she was out of ear shot, Lizzie spoke, “What the hell are you doing here? Come to gloat. Opened your legs for my Julian as yet?” “Let me ignore that ignorant and crass remark, I have a letter from Julian for you, you idiot.” She grabbed the letter, so hard, Christine almost received a paper cut. “How kind of you, Christine, don’t expect any halos.” “You, know, you are an insolent, bitch, I don’t know what he sees in you!” “Something that he