Something Worth Fighting For

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Book: Something Worth Fighting For Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lena Matthews
Tags: Erótica
sweating out her flat iron.
    With a self-pitying groan, she recapped her bottle and headed back out into the yard. As she neared her gas-powered nemesis, Cami stopped her bike on the sidewalk in front of Tisha.
    Tisha couldn’t help but smile at the spirited sprite. She looked as all kids should. Young. Not like one of those little girls pretending to be twenty-five years old, with pounds of makeup taking away from their natural beauty.
    Dressed in jean shorts and a vintage T-shirt, Cami looked every inch a child. It was very refreshing. “Hey, kid.”
    Cami rolled her eyes as she climbed from her bike and propped it up with the kickstand before walking over to Tisha. “It’s not kid. It’s Cami.”
    “That’s right,” Tisha corrected herself. “I forgot you’re practically a young adult. Soon you’ll be old enough to drive then vote then move out.”
    “I’m never moving out,” she stated emphatically.
    That was unusual. Most kids she knew couldn’t wait to move out. “No?”
    “Nah, Uncle J would perish without me.”
    “Perish.” Who was this kid?
    “Yeah, it means to die. It’s the word of the day on his calendar.”
    Cami sounded so grown up, Tisha was hard-pressed not to laugh. “Probably.” Tisha glanced over her shoulder at the lawn mower once more and frowned. “You know what, Cami, I think you’re onto something. Don’t move out. Life only goes downhill from there. You have to pay your own bills, kill your own bugs, catch your own mice and mow your own lawn. Being an adult isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be.” Especially a single adult.
    “You don’t like mowing your lawn.”
    “I abhor it.” She turned back to Cami and winked. “Look that one up on your word of the day calendar.”
    “It means hate, right?”
    “Hate with a purple passion.”
    “Oh yeah.” Tisha nodded in agreement.
    “If you hate it so much, why don’t you hire someone to do it for you?”
    Tisha shot her an aggravated look. “Because I’m a moron.”
    “At least you know. Uncle J says some people go their entire lives not knowing how dumb they are.”
    “Hey!” It was one thing for her to call herself a moron and something entirely different for the pint-sized know-it-all to do it.
    “Just kidding.” Cami smiled brightly. “I’m going to go check in with Uncle J. He goes postal if he doesn’t know where I am every second of the day.”
    “I remember.”
    “Yeah, I guess you do.” Cami climbed back on her bike. “I’ll see you later.”
    “Not if I die in the next few minutes.” Tisha watched as Cami looked both ways before biking across the street to her house. Once she made it to the other side safely, Tisha went back to work on her lawn. Five minutes into the job, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Startled, she released the lever and spun around. To her utter surprise, Jonah was standing before her with a grinning Cami at his side.
    “Hey, what’s going on?” Tisha glanced from him to his niece then back again. “Wait a minute. If you’re coming over here to read me the riot act because she was late checking in or something then you can stop right—”
    “No.” He smiled. “That’s not why I came.”
    Deflated by his smile and words she asked, “Oh, what’s up?”
    “A little bird,” Jonan glanced down at Cami and winked, “told me you were committing ritual suicide. Slowly.”
    “It hasn’t taken me that long.” She only had a third left to do now, of the front yard that was.
    “Really? Huh.” Jonah surveyed the lawn before turning his gaze back to her. “Then I guess you’re probably not interested in my proposal.”
    “Proposal?” Oh hell yes she was interested, especially if it had something to do with him.
    “Yeah. I was about to fix lunch and I was wondering if you might want to switch jobs.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I’ll finish your yard and you can fix lunch for the three of us. I have all the makings over at my house for hot dogs
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