summoned to deal with the problem. As he understood it, the fight against the rebels led by Cyrus was to be dealt with by him, and now he anticipated the announcement of an attempt to defeat the Black Legion.
“We have a threat assembling on our border, one that threatens a hundred worlds, and I require all of my noble Satraps to assist in defeating it.”
Tissaphernes was very surprised to hear this.
What? The Terrans are hardly going to threaten a hundred worlds.
“The Satrapy of Mudrya has been turned against the Empire by the outlaw Amyrtaeus of Sais.”
This news shocked many in the hall, but Tissaphernes was only surprised it was not the Terrans that concerned the Great King. He had seen the reports on Amyrtaeus of Sais for the last few years. The outlaw had fought a successful guerrilla war against Medes rule in Mudrya for years.
“The leaders of my Kibris-Finiqyah Armada have failed in their duties and have been captured by Amyrtaeus.”
He looked out to his stunned audience as they waited to hear his orders.
“Each of you will provide a division of ships and a siege army within one month to join my Royal forces under the command of Arteshban Rostam.”
The noise coming from the hall was a mixture of shock and horror. The Arteshban had almost been accepted by most as the commander of the forces on Babylon Prime. The idea of the feral monster being placed in charge of a mighty invasion force was something very different. The creature moved from a position to the side of the grand podium and knelt down alongside Artaxerxes.
“God King, I will bring Mudrya back to your control, and Amyrtaeus’ head will be placed on a pike as a warning to all traitors.”
The Emperor nodded happily at this, but his expression remained impassive. He indicated for the warrior to stand and then continued.
“The Satrapy of Mudrya will suffer the Great Pain upon completion of this war.”
That drew an even stronger reaction. Even Tissaphernes was surprised to hear of the old punishment being used. The Great Pain was a measure used rarely by leaders in the past, whereby cities were selected at random and razed to the ground, with its inhabitants forced to burning along with the city itself. It was a cruel, barbaric punishment and only ever used against worlds that revolted.
“The traitor has already taken control of the regions of Kibris and Finiqyah and added the territories to expand his domain to threaten the Core Worlds. You will do everything in your power to assist in this campaign and to ensure nothing like this ever happens in your own territories.”
He then concentrated his look towards Tissaphernes with a glare that seemed to burn through his skull. It was one of the few times he had truly felt nervous.
“Lord Tissaphernes.”
He lifted himself to his feet and bowed.
“God King Artaxerxes.”
The Emperor smiled at this and then continued.
“What news of the Terran fools that dared move on Cunaxa? Must I intervene again to remove them from my domains?”
Tissaphernes could feel his face starting to flush.
“No, my King. I have made use of Ariaeus and Phalinus, as you requested.”
The God King nodded and indicated for him to return to his seat.
“Good. I have little interest in what happens to them, provided they leave my Empire. Chase them, or destroy them, just move them from the Core Worlds.”
He lifted his hands to encompass all of the Satraps and military commanders.
“If these, or any other rebels enter your territories, you will offer them nothing but scorched earth, blood, and pain. Do you understand?”
A great chorus of agreement echoed out of the hall, and only Tissaphernes watched on in silence. He moved his mouth to mimic the others, but his mind was on the Terrans, and as he reminded himself of the Emperor’s words, he could see that the great campaign he imagined had been transformed. Following Cunaxa, he expected the pursuit of the Terrans would give him the greatest honours.