Beyond: Our Future in Space

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Author: Chris Impey
159, 161, 187, 219, 222
    hydrogen bomb, 36
    hydrosphere, 173
    hyperloop aviation concept, 95
    hypothermia, 251
    hypothetical scenarios, 15–16
    IBM, 213
    Icarus Interstellar, 224
    on Europa, 125
    on Mars, 163–65, 227
    on Moon, 159–60
    ice ages, 7–8
    ice-penetrating robot, 98
    IKAROS spacecraft, 184
    imagination, 10, 14, 20
    exploration and, 261–63
    immortality, 259
    implants, 206–7
    inbreeding, 201–3
    India, 159, 161
    inflatable modules, 101–2
    inflation theory, 255–57, 255
    information, processing and storage of, 257–60
    infrared telescopes, 190
    Inspiration Mars, 170–71
    Institute for Advanced Concepts, 280
    insurance, for space travel, 106–7
    International Academy of Astronautics, 152
    International Geophysical Year (1957–1958), 37
    International Institute of Air and Space Law, 199
    International MicroSpace, 90
    International Scientific Lunar Observatory, 157
    International Space Station, 55, 64–65, 64 , 71, 75, 91, 96, 100 , 102, 142, 143, 144, 151, 153, 154, 159, 178–79, 179 , 185, 272, 275
    living conditions on, 116–17
    as staging point, 148
    supply runs to, 100–101, 104
    International Space University, 90
    International Traffic in Arms Regulation (ITAR), 105–6, 144
    Congressional legislation on, 78, 144
    development of, 76–77, 77 , 94, 95, 271
    erroneous predictions about, 213–14
    limitations of, 66–67
    robotics and, 206
    space travel compared to, 76–80, 77 , 80
    Internet Service Providers (ISPs), 78
    interstellar travel, 215–18
    energy technology for, 219–24
    four approaches to, 251–52
    scale model for, 219
    Intrepid rovers, 165
    Inuit people, 120
    Io, 53, 177
    property rights on, 145
    “iron curtain,” 35
    Iron Man , 95
    isolation, psychological impact of, 169–70
    Jacob’s Ladder, 149
    Jade Rabbit (“Yutu”), 139, 143, 161
    Japan, 161, 273
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), 184
    Jefferson, Thomas, 224
    Jemison, Mae, 224
    jet engines, 69–70
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 141
    Johnson, Lyndon, 38, 42, 45, 158, 269
    Johnson Space Center, 76, 104, 179 , 206 , 229, 269
    see also Mission Control
    Jones, Stephanie Tubbs, 74
    Joules per kilogram (MJ/kg), 219–20, 222
    Journalist in Space program, 74
    “junk” DNA, 10, 266
    Juno probe, 228
    Jupiter, 126, 127, 177, 217, 270
    distance from Earth to, 50
    moons of, 97, 125, 125
    probes to, 51–52, 228
    as uninhabitable, 125
    Justin (robot), 178
    Kaku, Michio, 253
    Karash, Yuri, 65
    Kardashev, Nikolai, 253
    Kardashev scale, 253, 254 , 258
    Kármán line, 70, 70 , 101
    Kennedy, John F., 41–43, 45
    Kepler, Johannes, 183
    Kepler’s law, 127
    Kepler spacecraft and telescope, 128, 128 , 129–31, 218, 278
    Khrushchev, Nikita, 42, 47
    Kickstarter, 184
    Killian, James, 38
    Kline, Nathan, 205
    Knight, Pete, 71
    Komarov, Vladimir, 43, 108
    Korean War, 141
    Korolev, Sergei, 35, 37
    Kraft, Norbert, 200
    Krikalev, Sergei, 115
    Kunza language, 119
    Kurzweil, Ray, 94, 207, 259
    Laika (dog), 47, 65, 269
    Laliberté, Guy, 75
    landings, challenges of, 51, 84–85, 170
    Lang, Fritz, 28, 268
    of cryptography, 291
    emergence of, 15, 16
    of Orcas, 190
    in reasoning, 13
    Lansdorp, Bas, 170–71, 198–99, 282
    lasers, 223, 224, 225–26, 239
    pulsed, 190, 243
    last common ancestor, 6, 123, 265
    Late Heavy Bombardment, 172
    latency, 178
    lava tubes, 160
    legislation, on space, 39, 78, 90, 144, 145–47, 198–200
    Le Guin, Ursula K., 236–37
    Leonov, Alexey, 55
    L’Garde Inc., 284
    Licancabur volcano, 119
    Licklider, Joseph Carl Robnett “Lick,” 76–78
    appearance and evolution on Earth of, 172
    artificial, 258
    detection of, 216–18
    extension of, 26, 207–8, 250–51, 259
    extraterrestrial, see aliens, extraterrestrial
    intelligent, 190, 235, 241, 243, 258
    requirements of habitability for, 122–26, 125 , 129, 131–33, 241, 256–57
    lifetime factor ( L ), 234–335
    lift, in flight, 68–70, 83
    lift-to-drag ratio, 83
    from binary stars, 126
    as biomarker, 217
    Doppler shift of,
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