of, 235
size of, 242
Millis, Marc, 290
mind control, 245
mind uploading, 259
miniaturization, see nanotechnology
minimum viable population, 201, 251
of asteroids, 155–56, 182, 214
of Enceladus, 227
on Moon, 214
by robots, 178, 182
Minsky, Marvin, 177, 179
MirCorp, 75
mirrors, 173
Mir Space Station, 75, 115, 167–68
Miss Baker (monkey), 47–48, 48
Mission Control, 43, 100, 158, 269
MIT, 38, 77, 90, 141, 226, 257
mitochondrial DNA, 6, 9
Mittelwerk factory, 33, 35
Mojave Desert, 71, 82, 83
population adaptation to heat in, 118–19
molecules, in nanotechnology, 151
Mongols, 23, 24
monkeys, in space research, 47–48, 48
Montgolfier brothers, 68
age of, 50
ancient Greek concept of, 18
in asteroid capture, 156
distance from Earth to, 49–50, 150, 166, 267
first animals on, 49
first man on, 71, 158
latency on, 178
lunar base proposed for, 157–63, 158 , 160 , 195, 214, 248
manned landings on, 44–45, 49–50, 54, 56, 63, 71, 84, 99, 104, 108, 143, 157, 158, 176, 219, 270, 272
obstacles to exploration of, 66
orbit of, 25
probes to, 40, 51, 129, 140 , 143
projected missions to, 92 , 143, 157–63, 166, 214, 275
property rights on, 145–47, 198–99
proposed commercial flights to, 102
in science fiction, 20, 26
soil of, 159, 160 , 162
as staging point for Mars, 161
staging points for, 148
telescopic views of, 31, 49–50
as uninhabitable, 124, 166
US commitment to reach, 41–45
Moon Treaty (1979), 146
Moon Treaty, UN (1984), 279
Moore, John, 203
Moravec, 259–60
Morgan, Barbara, 74
Morrison, Philip, 187, 239
Mosaic web browser, 79
Moses, 148
motion, Newton’s laws of, 25, 67–68
multistage rockets, 29
multiverse, 252–57, 255
Musk, Elon, 94–98, 97 , 100–101, 112–13, 148, 205
mutation, 6–7
cosmic rays and, 204
7R, 10–12, 11 , 15
mutually assured destruction, 42
Mylar, 184, 225
N1/L3 rocket, 44 , 54
nanobots, 179–82, 181 , 224–28
NanoSail-D, 184, 185
nanosponges, 180
nanotechnology, 151–52, 179–82, 208, 214, 245, 280, 283
projected future of, 257–59
see also nanobots
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 83, 90, 96, 97–98, 114, 116–17, 128 , 144, 153, 156, 176, 178, 182, 184–85, 185 , 195, 200, 205, 206 , 216, 224, 226 , 271, 275, 280, 290
and Air Force, 71
artistic depiction of space colonies by, 196, 196
budget of, 39, 42, 43, 49, 54, 64 , 75, 99, 104, 140, 144, 158, 166, 188, 238, 270, 272, 284
cut back of, 45, 49, 54, 188
formation of, 38–39, 145, 269
private and commercial collaboration with, 99–102, 104
revival of, 103–5
space program of, 51, 55–56, 71–76, 92 , 157–58, 285–86
stagnation of, 63–67, 141, 147, 166
National Geographic Society, 7, 265
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 187–88
National Science Foundation (NSF), 78–79
Native Americans, 118
naturalness, 256
natural selection, 6, 16, 123, 164, 251, 291
Nature , 187
Naval Research lab, 37
Navy, US:
Bureau of Aeronautics, 30
in rocket development, 36–37
Nayr, Ernst, 238
Nazis, 48
Propaganda Ministry of, 32
von Braun and, 32–34, 141, 269
NBC, 75
Nedelin, Mitrofan, 43
“needle in a haystack” problem, 188–89, 242–43
“Nell” (rocket), 29
Neptune, 127, 131, 225
as uninhabitable, 125
Nergal, 163
Netscape, 80
New Mexico, 88, 88 , 105
Newton, Isaac, 24–25, 25 , 30, 67–68, 110, 262, 267
New York Times , 30, 94
Nicholas, Henry, 214
Niven, Larry, 198, 253
Nixon, Richard, 108, 167
Nobel Prize, 126, 180, 214
nomad planets, 128
Noonan, James, 266
nuclear fission, 220, 220 , 221
nuclear fusion, 110, 161–62, 220 , 221, 221 , 222
nuclear reactors, 224
nuclear weapons, 36, 42, 78, 129, 146, 197–98, 222, 234–35, 244, 245, 246 , 286
Nuremberg Chronicles , 17
Nyberg, Karen, 200
Obama, Barack, 104
Oberth, Hermann, 28, 31–32, 36, 268
acidification of, 195
sealed ecosystem proposed for, 197
Oculus Rift, 176
Ohio, astronauts from, 74
Okuda, Michael,