reflection in the mirror that he was using to see her. Her shirt had slipped up some and her pants had slipped down a bit and he could see cute pink panties and a bit of her crack.
He suppressed a growl. Why was this lady wearing pink and smelling pink invading his space?! And why was she in here so early? Well he had no plans of changing his workout time, she could just change hers if she didn’t like him here.
Afterwards he got dressed in fatigues, which was his uniform while working surveillance. Christopher’s workout was actually factored in to his work-day. His boss wanted them kept in tip top shape and each man was required to spend at least three hours a week working out. He easily achieved that twice over. Most were addicted to it and like him, didn’t see working out as a chore. But unlike him, they preferred having an audience and scheduled their workouts around optimum female presence.
He poured himself a 32 oz size cup of Lipton Iced Tea with Citrus and sauntered in to the security room, his muscles pleasantly throbbing. Several of the guys were there guffawing and pointing. Crap…another homeless dude accosting the protectees. They’d make a call up to one of the uniformed guards to run him off.
“ Yo , Beast! Check this out!” Carlos’ brown face was split by a wide smile. Christopher walked over to the camera and did a double-take. The pink lady—well she wasn’t pink. She was a black lady; light skinned with light hair and eyes, maybe multi-racial. But she had moved to the treadmill. She had it set to a fast walk and what the guys were guffawing about was the way her butt bounced with each step. Damn…he watched for a moment before scowling and walking away.
“You were down there with her. We were taking bets that she’d get one look at your big-ass and run.” Roddy said with a smirk. “She was checking you out, dude.”
Christopher had just sat down in his chair to run the reports and he gave Roddy a sharp look. “I don’t want no parts of your bet, and before you ask, no I’m not going to scare her.” He had a bit of a country drawl to his rumbling voice.
TK made a face letting him know that’s just what they had wanted. Hell it got boring down in the basement and they found fun wherever they could. But he wasn’t going to mess with a lady minding her own business when he was minding his.
“Remember that time you scared that drug dealer away?” Carlos hinted.
“That was different and you know it.” They had watched the monitors and were laughing like crazy when he went up to the young thug. The dumb fuck was selling his drugs on the same corner as the freaking Federal Courthouse! How dumb could you get? Christopher had been wearing his cap pulled down low and had come up on the thug in broad daylight. He grinned and tilted his cap back.
“What you got there, buddy?” He had asked in his best redneck drawl. The young man’s eyes had widened at the sight of the grinning giant with the split face.
“I-I don’t know what you talking about…” He had stammered, eyes not able to leave the sight of the monster before him.
Christopher knew that his eyes had gone cold at that moment when his smile disappeared. “Well sell it somewhere else, asshole. And give me your name. NOW!”
The boy had stammered out a name, maybe it was real and maybe it wasn’t. But Christopher nodded once and walked back to the Courthouse. When he got back the guys were on the floor rolling. They said the boy had about pissed his pants running away. They hadn’t seen him since. Of course that was all different.
Bruce came in to the room then. He had surely heard them laughing long before but he too knew that the subbasement made a person punch drunk. It’s why it alternated out with field duty.
“You idiots get back to work. I can hear you laughing like bitches all the way down the hall!” His voice was stern but each of them knew
Harvey G. Phillips, H. Paul Honsinger