Battle For The Womb
calamitous was going to
unfold and that we had to leave the planet immediately. He had
wiped your memory and implanted memories of us together, even whom
you know as your mother. He arranged for our transport to Earth. It
was the only place we would survive, and even thrive. It is when
our relationship began.”
    Veronica’s eyes moistened as she began to cry. Anger
mixed with sadness and seeped out of her eyes in a river of
emotion. She looked at her father with disgust, opening her hand
and smacking his face.
    “How could you!?” she said, “How could you keep this
from me!?”
    “My love,” he said, “I am so sorry for what I have
done. I have done to you what they did to your mother and me.” He
touched his face which grew red as blood rushed to the surface.
    “You’ve watched me suffer all this time, knowing my
quest was futile and yet you said nothing!” she said, “It breaks my
heart dad. In ways you can’t imagine.”
    Her father began to cry. “I am so sorry, my
    “What transpired on the planet?” she said, “Can I go
back? Is there anyone that can reprogram me?”
    “A very small group made it to Earth after me, none
with any knowledge or experience to do what you need. We became a
close knit group. It is my understanding that war broke out
internally on our home planet between the hybrids and then native
population causing massive casualties and loss of life. I am
unaware if the science which created us is still in existence.
    “You can go back, but it will be a dangerous trek
into the unknown, into incalculable risk. You aren’t the only star
rated civilization; there are others, others with actively
protected interests along the way.”
    “Like who,” she said.
    “Off the top of my head there are four main players:
humanity, the Ghoma, the Dorada, and the Hyades, whom share our
    “What kinds of interests do they have?”
    “It varies; most are hungry for intelligence,
technology, mineral ore and land. All have capable militaries with
the Dorada being the most vicious and cunning. Their guerrilla
tactics and piracy are the stuff of interplanetary lore.”
    “What about the Ghoma?” she said, “Do you know
anything about them?”
    “I don’t know much, my dear. But there has been a war
in progress between the Ghoma and the Dorada for millennia; they
share a similar fractured past to us. I’ve told you all I can, all
I know.”
    “How can I find our home planet?” she said.
    “If you were able to make the trek you must head for
the Pleiades and look for the planet with the highest output of
electromagnetic radiation, which will be us, the Hyades. Mining
vessels like we have on Earth could make the trek in a few years,
but good look getting approved to go, you know its 99% male
    “I have other arrangements,” she said.
    “Really?” he said, his curiously growing by the
second. Her father looked at her and cracked a smile, trying to
stoke some latent positive emotion in her.
    Veronica felt a weight disappear from her shoulders,
she finally knew the truth. She got up and moved toward her
    “I am sorry for hitting you dad. I know you did what
was necessary to protect me,” she said.
    She opened her arms and squeezed him, being careful
not to break his frail, old man bones.
    He looked into her eyes, a tear in his own, “Promise
me Veronica, promise me that whatever you do you will be safe. I
can’t lose you, not now, not ever.”
    “I promise dad. I have to go now. Thank you. I love
    Veronica turned around and walked away from her
father, out the door and into the field that she emerged from. She
felt a purpose, and beyond that she felt confidence that fate had
thrust her into a new direction, one where at the end she would
obtain all that she desired.

Bumps Along The Space Highway

    Back aboard the ship Veronica sought solace in
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