Battle For The Womb
Bring the woman,
we have to move immediately if we are to survive.”
    “Yes, I understand,” Grear said, his voice
    Grear grabbed Veronica by the waist, hoisting her
over his shoulders.
    “Baby tell me we’re going to be ok,” Veronica
    Grear did not respond, instead he concentrated only
on their safety with laser like focus.
    A loud explosion rocked the Ghoma ship, dismantling
their shields; Grear lost his balance and fell sending Veronica’s
body crashing into the metal floor. A pod of Doradan soldiers
materialized in front of them.
    Veronica started to sweat, she felt like her entire
body was crying, yet her eyes remained still and focused.
    “Grear!” one of the Doradans yelled, “You know why
we’re here. We want the machine!”
    “Never!” Grear said, standing in front of Veronica,
protecting her.
    “You have no choice, you are out matched in every
way,” the Doradan snickered.
    One of the Doradan soldiers grabbed his metal war
staff; it started to glow in a bright orange light. He swiped it in
front of Grear sending him hurtling into the wall of the spaceship,
knocking him unconscious.
    “You!” he said to Veronica, “You are coming with
    Veronica felt the fear kick into warp drive as she
attempted to maintain calm. The Doradan warrior twirled his
intergalactic boomstick in his hands and waved it across the other
Ghoma standing next to her; they too hurtled into the wall and fell
to the floor unconscious.
    “Come with us willingly and we let them live; refuse
and they die.” It was a raw deal.
    Veronica was left with an impossible choice. She
stared at Grear who remained motionless.
    “What’s it going to be, machine? Life or death for
your new friends?”
    “LIFE!” she yelled.
    “That is what I thought.”
    He grabbed her hair and turned his wrist, pulling her
hair tight as he forced her to her feet. In an instant a bright
glow of light surrounded them.
    TO BE
CONTINUED – or Check out the bundle
at a 45% discount!
Excerpts from my other
In the Trees: Galactic Group Breeders
    The Camping Trip of a Lifetime

    “Here we go ladies!” I said, my white-knuckled hands
gripping the steering wheel as we turned into the campgrounds at
The Lone Pines in central Arizona. It was a gorgeous location. Pine
trees were scattered for miles around, a rugged, un-kept dirt road
had led up to it; it was truly in the middle of nowhere. I rolled
down the windows letting the crisp mountain air inside the car. I
could smell the pine needles and hear a light wind meandering
through the trees; the sound of my tires grinding into the gravel
brought me back to childhood road trips with my dad. As far as I
was concerned, this was heaven on Earth. I lived for the outdoors
and couldn’t wait to set up shop.
    My friends looked scared, or at the very least
apprehensive; I was hesitant to even ask them on this trip. I
thought it was a little weird to be scared of nature, but I guess
some people get so accustomed to their own internal and local
worlds they fear venturing out. Eva and Lindsey were definitely
victims of modern society, and I thought getting out into the wild
would be a good experience for them, helping them grow out of their
electronic solitudes. I had sold them hard on this trip and I was
delighted when they agreed to come.
    I wanted a girls-only weekend. I could have easily
asked my husband, but I doubted he would want to come, and I knew
my girls and I would have more fun together anyways. That is just
how things went with us. We’d grown up together, watched men come
and go, as each of us were married, and even through Eva’s divorce
we stayed friends. Relationships like that you keep; relationships
like that you nurture. I had felt troubled as we had all steadily
grown more distant from one another over the last year, like tree
roots spreading outward in opposite directions.
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