Aundy (Pendleton Petticoats - Book 1)

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Book: Aundy (Pendleton Petticoats - Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shanna Hatfield
lifted it. Her injured arm, combined with Erik’s deadweight, meant there was no possible way she could have moved her husband using one hand, no matter how hard she tried.
    Wondering what was keeping his mother and their hired hand, he turned to mount Jester and ride back to the ranch for the wagon when the jingle of harness let him know his mother was approaching.
    Jim drove Nora right up to where Garrett and Aundy kept watch over a motionless Erik. Prepared to jump down into the muddy mess, Jim’s restraining hand on Nora’s arm kept her from leaving her seat. “Just stay here, Mrs. Nash,” Jim said, setting the brake and handing her the reins.
    “My gracious, Garrett! We’ve got to get that poor man home,” Nora said as Jim and Garrett carefully carried Erik to the back of the wagon and gently laid him on some old blankets Nora had spread in the wagon bed. Jim climbed up to the seat while Garrett tied Jester to the back of the wagon and then swung Aundy into his arms, setting her close to Erik.
    Glancing at Garrett, she wasn’t certain his behavior was at all appropriate, especially since she was now a married woman. His touch made a jolt zing through her from the top of her head to her mud-covered feet. Surprised by his strength, Aundy thought Garrett acted like she weighed no more than a bag of flour and she knew for a fact she was taller and sturdier than many men.
    Cradling her left arm against her chest with her right, Aundy continued her prayers on Erik’s behalf as Jim urged the wagon toward Erik’s farm. Only by staring intently at her husband’s chest could she see it barely rise and fall. That had to be a good sign, at least she hoped it was.
    She felt the wagon turn and looked up to see a house in the distance along with a big barn and several outbuildings. While not as big or impressive as the Nash house, Erik had what appeared to be a solid one-story home with a porch across the front and back and a yard with a nice fence. His horses were standing at the barn dragging the reins of the harness behind them, waiting to be relieved of their burden and fed.
    Jim pulled the team to a stop at the edge of the front walk and hurried down to help Garrett carry the injured man.
    Nora was already out of the wagon and running in the door before Jim and Garrett made it to the porch steps. Aundy trailed along behind, uncertain what she could do to help.
    “Bring him in here,” Nora called from a room off the large living area.
    Heedless to the mud dripping from all their clothes, the men carried Erik into the bedroom and carefully placed him on an oilcloth Nora yanked from the kitchen table.
    “That should keep the bedding from being ruined,” Nora said, watching as Garrett and Jim removed Erik’s boots and the outer layers of his muddy clothing. Erik groaned and though still unconscious, his hands tightened into fists. When he coughed, drops of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.
    Nora grabbed a rag from the basket of supplies she set by the bed and wiped Erik’s face. Shaking her head, she left the room and took Aundy along with her while Jim and Garrett removed the rest of Erik’s muddy clothes. Stoking up the stove in the kitchen, Nora filled a big pot with water and set it on the stovetop to heat. She returned to the sink and began filling another large pot.
    Moving the teakettle to the front to heat faster, she was busy filling a bucket with water when Garrett and Jim came in the room.
    “I’m afraid to do too much more until the doc gets here,” Garrett said, nodding toward Aundy. “Maybe you can help her get cleaned up, Ma, and then see about setting her arm. Looks to me like it’s probably broken.”
    “What?” Nora asked, spinning around to see Aundy holding her arm, her own face pale and pinched with pain. “Why didn’t you say something earlier? I would have set your arm before we ever left my house.”
    “We need to see to Erik first,” Aundy said, feeling her legs grow weak
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