Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers Read Online Free PDF

Book: Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Adam Moon
clearance badge to the armed guards outside the mountain bunker. When that was done, he drove right into the gaping hole in the mountain face. The heavy blast doors slowly closed behind them as they parked.
    To his surprise, Melanie was already there waiting for him. He hadn’t realized that the military would go after her too , although, in retrospect he should’ve figured they would.
    He jumped out of the truck and she ran over and hugged him. “I tried to call but I was told not to bother.”
    Jack didn’t want to admit that he hadn’t even considered calling her so he nodded, hoping she wouldn’t ask.
    “They have Grey aliens held in this mountain. Did you know that?”
    He didn’t know that because the public wasn’t privy to where the aliens were being held. He was a little surprised by it though. He had always thought they’d be executed for what they’d done.
    He asked, “Did they tell you what they want from us?”
    “They just want the full story.”
    “I was told they’d run some tests too.”
    “They can try. If they go too far they’ll regret it.”
    Watson walked away from the truck and yelled over his shoulder, “Follow me.”
    They chased after him, passing armed soldiers along the way. They walked through a door and then down a series of corridors until they got to a large office complex. Commander Watson led them to the largest one and let them inside. He took a seat behind the desk and bid they sit too.
    “I want the whole story, from start to finish.”
    Melanie looked at Jack and then said to Watson, “It all started when the alien artifact fell out of the sky. We chased it down and then it blasted us with a bluish mist. It knocked us unconscious and when we woke up the next day, we had changed.” She made certain to leave out the fact that the older couple, Molly and Dan, had found it with them and were equally affected by the alien mist because of their insistence in maintaining their privacy.
    Watson asked, “Why would the aliens grant you the abilities to defeat them? That makes no sense.”
    Jack had thought about that for a long time too and he had some theories. “Maybe different, opposing aliens gave us the abilities so we could defend ourselves against the attack. Or maybe a warring faction within the Grey population gave us the chance. Or maybe the mist wasn’t supposed to enhance us the way it did. What if it was supposed to poison us and it somehow backfired?”
    Watson nodded and asked, “How many people were affected by the mist.
    Melanie said quickly, “Me, Jack, and Scott. Scott didn’t survive the invasion.” Her voice pinched off at the end because of the frog in her throat.
    “Where did the alien device land? I‘d like to bring it in to study it.”
    “When we woke up the next day, it was gone. It was like it had vanished.”
    Watson sighed and leaned back in his chair. “When you’re ready, would you mind showcasing your abilities for me? I’d like to see what you can do. Maybe the military can complement your powers.”
    Jack said angrily, “We don’t work for the military. You presume too much, sir.” He said it to rock the Commander back on his heels. He was getting far too familiar with them and the last time that had happened, people died.
    “If the aliens ever return, I bet you’ll decide to help us. Let’s just assume you’ll do the right thing, ok?”
    Jack slumped in his seat. Watson was right. No matter how much he distrusted the military, he would side with them in a heartbeat if the situation required it.
    Melanie asked, “Is there a wide open place around here where we can show you.”
    “Sure. Follow me.”
    As they left the office in Watson’s wake, Jack whispered to Melanie, “Don’t show him too much. He might use it against us.”
    Melanie kissed him on the cheek and said, “You worry too much. We’re on the same side.”
    Jack couldn’t help but notice several soldiers turn their way as they followed Watson. And he
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