Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

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Book: Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Adam Moon
thing Jack saw when he got home was the Humvie idling in his driveway. That could mean only one thing: the military was here to abduct him and experiment on him, just like before. He considered running away but his mom was inside with the soldiers. If she was in trouble because of him, he had to save her.
    He jammed his eyes shut and felt his molecules flutter. His equilibrium faltered as he phased out. He appeared at the top of the stairs inside the house.
    He crouched down, ready for the attack, but he heard only laughter from downstairs. His mom was asking his would-be abductors how they liked their coffee.
    Jack tiptoed downstairs and opened the kitchen door with his powers at the ready just in case he needed to use them in a hurry. He could easily teleport the soldiers anywhere he wanted. He could make them appear instantly in the center of the Earth or in the deadly abyss of outer space. But none of that was necessary.
    A kindly looking man in his early fifties stepped forward with a smile on his face and held his hand out. “I’m Commander Watson. Pleased to meet you, Jack.”
    A female soldier stood silently behind him, watching eagerly.
    “What the hell are you doing here?”
    Watson let his outstretched hand fall by his side. “We saw the news footage. We know you saved those hikers. We know you and your friend Melanie were responsible for defeating the aliens and we’d like your help.”
    Jack didn’t bother mentioning that his best friend had died helping him, even though he thought it was important that people should know what he’d sacrificed.
    He leaned back against the countertop and asked, “What do you want?”
    “We’re working on our defenses. Just because we thwarted the invasion doesn’t mean that we won. We’re worried that the invasion was just a first wave and that more are coming.”
    Molly’s prophetic dream wherein she saw an evil alien leading his troops towards Earth for a second sweep was a fear others held to be true as well, because it was a logical conclusion. Maybe if he had the might of the U.S. military at his back, the prospect of a follow-up attack wouldn’t frighten him as much as it did.
    “What do you need me to do?”
    “We want to bring you in and hear your story. We need answers that only you might possess. We want to see what you can do. We want to run DNA tests to see if we can replicate whatever it was that changed you and Melanie. We want to put you in the same room as our alien captives to see how they react.”
    Jack nodded. The Commander was asking a lot but at least he was being forthcoming and honest about his intentions. “If you try anything suspicious you’ll regret it. The military has tried to screw me over before and it didn’t work out so well.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “When we first started to exhibit our abilities, we were quarantined and experimented on.”
    “I didn’t know that.”
    “I’m not lying. We’ve lost so much since the invasion including our previous intel. Some of it survives but most of it was lost in the mayhem and devastation. I had no idea that you were approached by the military in the past.”
    Jack believed him , despite his initial reservations. “Their tests didn’t work on us though. Our skin is too strong for needles. You can’t even take a scraping.”
    Watson nodded and looked at Jack’s mom. “ Everything he does for us will be voluntary. Will you give us permission to work with your son?”
    His mom looked at him for confirmation. Her look was pained because the last time the military had gotten involved in their lives they’d been separated and Jack had feared her dead in all the confusion.
    He nodded and said to Watson, “You’re wasting your time.”
    “Where are we going?”
    “A mountain bunker in Cheyenne.”
    “ Oh God. Not another frickin’ mountain. Let me get my stuff.”

Into the Abyss
    Jack watched from inside the Humvie as Watson gave over his
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