Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

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Book: Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Adam Moon
could swear some of them had suspicious, fearful looks on their faces.

    Watson led them into an unfinished cavernous room with water dripping from the rocky ceiling. Aside from the puddles and dim lighting, the room was empty.
    Watson stepped back, leaned against the wall and said, “Whenever you’re ready, go for it.”
    Melanie smirked and her brow wrinkled in concentration. Her hands swelled with blood and shook uncontrollably.
    She floated in the air as though suspended from strings. Then she started to fly around slowly, winking as she passed Watson, whose mouth had dropped open. She gently came to rest on her feet and said, “I can move things , including my own body, but I can destroy them too. It feels like I’m moving one thing against itself, like pushing it from all sides.”
    She rustled around inside her clutch purse and retrieved a compact. She tossed it in the air. It floated before her face and she strained as she concentrated. The mirror in the compact crackled and snapped and then the compact started to crumple into a plastic, smashed ball. When she was done, she held out her hand and allowed it to drop into it.
    She tossed it to Watson but he dodged it like it was radioactive. He must have realized how cowardly he appeared because he quickly righted himself, bent down and picked it up.
    Jack said, “Is that enough or do you need to see what I can do?”
    “I’d like to see it with my own two eyes, if you’re up for it.”
    Jack saw his surrounding flutter, phasing in and out. Then he vanished, appearing behind the door to the room. He opened it and stepped through, to Watson’s surprise.
    But his surprise was short-lived. “What else can you do?”
    Jack asked incredulously, “Isn’t that enough?”
    Watson shrugged as if he wasn’t as impressed as he had been with Melanie .
    Jack shook his head and concentrated on the rock wall behind Watson. He teleported a chunk as big as a car away, and Watson stumbled backwards into the newly created void. He caught himself in time to see the piece of rock get deposited instantaneously across the room.
    Jack said, “I could’ve teleported that anywhere. I could’ve put it on the surface of the sun if I wanted.”
    Watson’s face drained of color so much so that it was obvious even in the poor light. He said, “Ok, that’s enough.”
    Any more would have been too much for the old man to handle.
    “Let’s take a break. Then, if you’re up for it, I’d like to introduce you to our captives.”
    Jack shuddered. Melanie’s mouth fell open. She said, “We didn’t agree to that. The last thing either of us want is to have to see one of those bastards again.”
    Jack nodded in agreement.
    Watson said, “That’s ok. But let me know if you change your minds. I think you can handle it. They’re no threat to us without their technology.”

The Other Shoe Drops
    As they walked back to the office, Watson explained, “We’ve been trying to reverse engineer their technology but we’ve gotten nowhere with it. And they’re no help to us. It’s a shame because we’ve seen how the technology gave them an unfair advantage over us. It would be nice to acquire it.”
    Melanie remembered the technology. The aliens wore armored suits that enabled them to fly around like whizzing bullets and it protected them from harm while they wore it. The aliens who’d given themselves up to her a month ago had sloughed off their suits before surrendering. She was grateful they’d done so because at the time, she wasn’t sure she could beat them.
    Watson said as an aside, “You’ll be spending the night here. Your parents gave us their permission. I insisted that they refrain from telling you in advance. I apologize for that.”
    Jack’s eyes turned to slits. “You can’t keep us here against our will. If you try, you’ll see what happens.”
    Watson held his hands up defensively. “I just didn’t want to have to drive you back home in the middle
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