Angel's Redemption (The Fallen Warriors Series Book 6)
place, the bridge was deserted at this hour. There was a serene sort of beauty to it, but she couldn’t admire that now, when she was so eager to escape Seth.
    It was no use, of course. She could feel him at her back, closing in on her.
    Damn that man. She would never escape him, never be free of him.
    She was beginning to suspect she didn’t truly want to be.
    He caught up to her as she zoomed toward one of the limestone and granite columns, his powerful wings creating a backdraft as they flapped beside hers. “Lily, wait.”
    Oh, what was the point in running?
    Her heart pounded with fury as she touched down on the bridge, only steps from the column. Absorbing her wings into her back, she turned to rake him with the full force of her anger. “What do you want, Seth?”
    Answering rage flashed in his eyes as he landed on his feet and stalked toward her. He didn’t bother folding his wings in, and it only served to make him look bigger. Angrier.
    Sexier , damn it.
    Her back hit the column, and then he was there in front of her, lifting his arms to cage her in between his muscular body and the limestone.
    “Why, Lily?” Pain radiated off him in harsh waves. “Why can’t you forgive me?”
    Her body was racked with despair, tears choking her throat. “You truly have to ask me that? Just the sight of Adam’s lips on mine had you ready to kill, and I’m supposed to forgive you for your betrayal?”
    “I told you before, I never touched her, Lily.” He shook his head, hard. “Which is more than you can say for you and Adam.”
    “But don’t you see? That’s even worse,” she railed, for the first time giving voice to the secret anguish that had followed her every moment since she’d learned the truth.
    He stepped back, his forehead furrowing in confusion.
    “If it had been physical, I could have told myself it was just sex.” She forced the words out because she couldn’t hold them back anymore.
    His brows knitted. “But I didn’t—”
    “But this, this is worse. You loved her.” When her hands fisted, she gave into the urge to pummel them into his bare chest. “You loved her when it was supposed to be me .”
    “Oh, Lily.” His face buckled in pain, and he grabbed hold of her wrists, pinning them above her head. His lips touched hers, his breath kissing them when he whispered, “I do love you. I always have.”
    “Then how could you fall for her? If you loved me, how could you let that happen?”
    “I don’t know.” He straightened so that his eyes, clouded over with his agony, met hers. “I didn’t plan for it. Certainly didn’t expect it. It just happened.”
    “Then…” Lily swallowed hard, as if that would lessen her anguish. But it didn’t, of course. “Then you never truly loved me.”
    “No. That’s not true.”
    His words rang with sincerity.
    “I don’t know how or why, but I did care for her. But that doesn’t mean my feelings for you ever diminished.”
    Yeah… right.
    “I don’t believe it,” she whispered, willing her aching heart to stop beating so madly against her chest.
    “Don’t you?” Darkness flashed in his gaze, and his fingers tightened on her wrists. “Can you honestly think of Adam and tell me you don’t believe it possible to have feelings for more than one person?”
    She gasped and averted her eyes… because he was right. Much as she tried to deny it, she did have feelings for Adam. He was kind and sweet and innocent, everything she wished she could be.
    Seth loosened one of her wrists and brought his hand to her face, cupping her chin and forcing her to meet his gaze. “I do love you, Lily. Truly. And I’ve never stopped, angel. I’ve never stopped.”
    A harsh, dry sob burst from her. The full force of her emotions broke free within her, and she gave into the impulse to yank on his hair, to drag his head down to hers.
    Their lips met in a fury of teeth and tongues, mashing together with all their desperation. She moaned and forced her other
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