Angel's Redemption (The Fallen Warriors Series Book 6)
before they left, and who could blame her.
    A sudden flame of loneliness sparked deep in her stomach. She shoved it back, but when Ruby looked at her with sympathy in her eyes, she knew she hadn’t been quick enough.
    Was it possible Seth had sensed it?
    The shameful thought propelled her feet into motion. Leaving behind the rest of the group, she strode through the dark corridors and into the control room. Several long, rectangular tables were covered with monitors, and one of Ruby’s rebels sat at a chair, monitoring the views from the screens.
    “Is the coast clear?” she asked him.
    He grinned and nodded. “Looks good from here.”
    “Then I’m stepping out for some air.”
    She stalked to the iron door and yanked it open, stepping into the old abandoned tunnel that served as the entryway to the base. After securing the door shut, she made her way along the worn cobblestone floor, then up the ladder set into the shaft leading aboveground.
    She often wondered what this space would have looked like over a century ago, when it had been used as a subway station. After it had been abandoned and bricked up, it had been forgotten with time. With the shaft partially cast in iron, which Ruby had discovered masked angelic essences, it was the perfect hideout for angel and human alike.
    Lily worked her way through the abandoned warehouse and stepped outside. The snow had begun falling more heavily at some point, casting layer upon layer of pristine white on the ground.
    Snow crunched beneath Lily’s footsteps as she headed to the banks of the East River, stopping in front of the railing looking out over the river. Though the wind was frigid over the water and she wore nothing more than a black tank top and cargo pants, the cold didn’t bother her. She had her angel heritage to thank for that.
    Tilting her head back to the sky, she allowed the snowflakes to gather on her cheeks.
    She lost track of how much time she spent like that, but a thread of awareness alerted her to the presence of someone else. The tingle in her breasts told her who it was. Turning slowly, she pressed her back against the iron railing and warily watched Adam approach.
    He’d taken the time to throw on a heavy jacket, which was good because nephilim weren’t immune to the cold in the way that angels were. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, and his cheeks and nose were a shade of scarlet as he stalked toward her with determination.
    In the way of angels, her body responded to him. Softened for him. He sensed it, too, because a whisper of desire drifted from him.
    “You shouldn’t be out here,” she murmured when he stopped in front of her.
    “But you’re here,” he said simply, his gaze direct on hers.
    She sighed. If only things were that simple.
    “You should be preparing for battle against the angels,” she persisted. In the short time she’d known him, he’d grown so much stronger and more skilled as a fighter, but he was still part human. Vulnerable. It worried her.
    “What about you?” he whispered. When she narrowed her eyes at him, he said, “You should be preparing too.”
    Desire unfurled in her body, and she tensed, prepared to stalk away.
    Adam must have sensed her intent, because his hand slipped out of his pocket and closed over her arm. Tingles of electricity danced where their skin met: angel blood calling to angel blood. It made her nipples grow hard.
    The years of self-imposed celibacy were starting to catch up with her.
    She wanted him.
    “Lily.” Adam took a deep, shaky breath. “I know the situation between you and Seth, but if you’re not going to be with him, you should—”
    “No.” She shook her head. “Don’t say it.”
    His lips pursed, but he soldiered on. “You know I want you. I know you’re going to say I have no choice. That it would be foolish for us to do anything. Maybe you’re right, but I don’t care. I still want you. And more than anything, I want you to be safe.”
    “I will be,”
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