Angel's Redemption (The Fallen Warriors Series Book 6)
she whispered.
    “You don’t know that.” He pulled her into his arms, his dark gaze swirling with desire. “You’re weak right now, when you should be strong.”
    She couldn’t deny it, couldn’t bring herself to tear free from his grasp even though she knew that was what she should be doing.
    “We could all be dead come tomorrow,” Adam whispered.
    His words rang with truth.
    “Be with me, Lily,” Adam murmured.
    “I can’t—”
    His lips swooped down to claim hers before she could finish her sentence. They were soft and firm and full of longing.
    When his tongue slid out along her lips, she gave into temptation and allowed him entrance to her mouth.
    Wave after wave of desire washed through her body as his mouth plundered hers, making her womb clench with lust, lust he could no doubt feel. After repressing her desires for all this time, it felt good to give in for a little while. If felt hot and wicked and delicious…
    And wrong.
    The knowledge rocked her to her core.
    She tensed, preparing to break away, when she felt that familiar slide between her shoulder blades, the one that told her another angel was approaching and not just any angel.
    Gasping, she tore herself away, but the low growl that rent the air told her she’d done it too late.
    Her heart in her throat, Lily turned to see Seth standing several feet away, his hands curled into fists, and his chest heaving with fury.
    When Seth had seen Lily slip out of the recreation room, only for Adam to follow her moments later, he’d tried his best to refrain from following. At the very least, he owed Lily that. But then his imagination had run away with him, thinking of all the things that could happen. So he’d given in to the temptation and gone after them.
    Only to discover that his very fears had come true.
    The growl that tore from his throat reverberated through the air, and Lily’s resultant stirring of panic would have made him feel shame had he not been so far gone with primitive fury.
    Fear and determination wafted from Adam as he turned to face Seth. The latter emotion made Seth’s hands clench into fists. He didn’t want to harm the nephilim, but if Adam dared challenge him over Lily, he would tear him apart with his bare hands. He wouldn’t be able to stop himself.
    “Stop,” Lily said, her face screwing up in anger.
    “Get away from him,” he rumbled in response.
    “You have no right to tell me that.”
    Snarling, he stalked forward a step.
    Adam squared his shoulders, grim resignation lining his features. “I’m not scared of you.”
    Lily stepped in front of the nephilim before Seth could take another step. “Don’t you dare touch him.”
    “Then get away from him,” Seth growled.
    Her face reddened and twin notes of anger and frustration floated from her. “You can do whatever you want, but Gods forbid I even think of moving on, and all of a sudden you turn into a Neanderthal.”
    “Lily,” he warned.
    A flustered gasp tore from her throat. Without warning, she tensed her shoulders and grew her wings, then shot into the sky.
    For one loaded moment, Seth’s gaze collided with Adam’s, and he feared how he would react. The rational part of his mind recognized that Adam had only acted in accordance with his angel heritage… but the rest of him wanted to crush the man for daring to want what was his.
    But then Adam’s head whipped toward the sky and he shouted, “Lily, wait.”
    The primitive instinct that urged Seth to fight over his mate receded, leaving behind the undeniable need to chase her down. He gave into it, shooting his wings out and propelling up after her. At least that was something he could do that Adam couldn’t.
    He was going to go after Lily, and this time, he wouldn’t give up until he’d had his say.

Chapter Five
    T he frigid wind whipped through Lily’s hair as she flew alongside the Brooklyn Bridge. Thanks to the curfew the Tribunal had set in
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