Midnight Ride

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Book: Midnight Ride Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cat Johnson
places at her mention of his tongue and its talents. Visions of what he’d like to do with it—and her—flashed through his brain. He glanced at her left hand where it gripped the steering wheel and saw the glint of a gold band. It was a damn shame that she wore a wedding ring, because he wouldn’t mind getting to know her better.
    Disappointed, he dragged his attention back to the road. “That’s the turn. Coming up on the right side up there. Rohn’s place is the next driveway after this one.”
    A smile bowed her lips. “I know. That’s my drive we just passed. We’re neighbors.”
    Tyler frowned as the pieces fell into place. “You’re Tom Smithwick’s widow?”
    “I guess I am.” She let out a short, breathy laugh. “Widow. I think that’s the first time I’ve heard someone call me that.”
    His eyes opened wide as he realized how badly he’d screwed up. Her husband hadn’t been gone for that long. The grief was probably still fresh and there he was bringing up her loss. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.”
    “No, it’s okay. Really. I mean, I’m sure they’re all saying it when I’m not within earshot. I just never heard anyone say it. Besides, it’s perfectly true. That’s exactly what I am. It’s just strange hearing it, you know? It’s even stranger saying the words.” She drew in a breath. “I’m a widow. At thirty-six years old.”
    He scrambled to make up for putting his foot in his mouth. “You don’t look thirty-six.”
    She didn’t look at all like what he’d always imagined a widow would, either. Tyler hadn’t been working for Rohn for very long when her husband had died. In that time, he had only met Tom Smithwick a few times, and he’d never met his wife. He’d pictured her being older. Less vibrant. Definitely less hot, and not nearly so curvy. . . .
    “Thanks.” She treated him to a small, sad smile as she pulled up to where his truck was parked in Rohn’s drive.
    Not ready to say good-bye and let her leave quite yet, he hooked a thumb behind him. “So, what are you going to do with that fence post in the back?”
    “A tree limb took down part of my fence and broke the upright. I’m going to see if I can replace it tomorrow.”
    “Alone?” He figured she’d have to dig the broken post out to sink the new one.
    “Yeah. I let our crew go after Tom died and I sold the bulk of the stock, so I don’t have any hired hands right now.”
    “Do you need some help?” Digging postholes was no job for a woman, in his opinion.
    She shook her head. “No, really. You don’t have to—”
    “I know I don’t have to. I want to.” He shrugged. “Besides, it’s the least I can do to pay you back.”
    “Pay me back for what? The ride? I told you, I was driving by here anyway.”
    “The ride.” He laughed. “And the spot to hide out in the back when I needed it most.”
    She smiled. “You still haven’t told me why you needed to hide.”
    The last thing on earth Tyler wanted was for this woman to know the embarrassing truth about what had happened tonight. It looked bad enough already, he was sure. “How about this . . . I don’t tell you and I help you fix that fence instead?”
    One brow cocked up before she nodded. “All right. Curious as I am, I could use the help, so I’ll take that deal.”
    She extended her hand. He pressed his palm to hers and shook. “Good. I’ll come over first thing in the morning.”
    As he felt the firm grip of Janie’s hand, so tiny compared to his larger one, Tyler had to think he’d made a pretty damn good deal for himself. Not only did he get to save face, he also got to see her again tomorrow.
    “Sounds good. I’ll be home. And thank you for the help.” A smile tipped up the corners of her mouth.
    He couldn’t stop his gaze from dropping to the Cupid’s bow of her lips. “You’re welcome.”
    The pleasure would be all his.
    After getting out and calling a final good-bye, Tyler watched her back up.
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