
AMatterofLust Read Online Free PDF

Book: AMatterofLust Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lisa Fox
cock rapidly stiffening in his pants. She was a vision in
her close-fitting black top, jeans and high-heels. Her red hair hung around her
shoulders, a mass of tumultuous waves. She was a goddess.
    His goddess.
    She noticed him then and the smile that lit up her beautiful
face strummed something deep within him. Trask felt his own smile grow.

Chapter Three
    Rena’s heart stopped when she saw Trask standing outside
Lucid and her first instinct was to run away. She wasn’t prepared for the
violent surge of longing he inspired. Anticipation, nerves, thrilling fear all
mingled in her chest, making her pulse race. Had he come here to see her? Was
it just a coincidence? Would she get to see him naked again? She really, really
wanted to see him naked again.
    “Rena,” he said when she stopped before him. The deep,
velvet purr of his voice washed over her, melting all her right spots.
    “Hello, Trask,” she answered. Cool. She had to be cool. Just
because he made her feel like a schoolgirl didn’t mean she had to act like one.
Her eyes flicked from him to the club and then back to him. “Did you just get
    “No.” His gaze moved over her, a penetrating, intimate
caress. She felt naked before him, exposed, and very, very turned on. When
their eyes met, Rena felt the electric shock of his lust right to her core. A
pleasant warmth flared in her belly and her pussy moistened in anticipation.
Any pretense she had about working tonight instantly dropped away. He was the
only thing she wanted.
    “Are you hungry?” she asked. Food was usually a surefire way
to get a guy back to her place. It had never failed her in the past. They could
eat, they could talk, they could fuck each other’s brains out.
    He grinned at her like the Cheshire Cat. “Always.”
    Rena smiled back. She did not at all mind the thought of
being his dinner. “I have some lobster salad at home if you’re interested.”
    “I’m very interested.” His voice held a note of
flirtatiousness, but his eyes were darkly serious.
    Heat rose to her cheeks and it took her a moment to realize
that he was making her blush. How long had it been since she had done that?
Never. He had the strangest effect on her. “Okay, then. Come with me.”
    His smile grew wider. “I’d love to.”
    The giggle burst out before she could stop herself. He
really did make her feel like a schoolgirl. She turned on her heel to head back
down the avenue. “All right, handsome,” she called over her shoulder. “Let’s
    He took hold of her wrist and pulled her back to his side.
Rena’s pulse jumped as she breathed in that clean, spicy scent that was all
him. Her eyes fixed on his mouth and she licked her lips, remembering his kiss.
She had to have just one more taste of him, for just one more night. It didn’t
have to be about anything other than sex. Really. She could handle it.
    She met his gaze and shivered. The look in his dark eyes was
enough to inspire several lifetimes of raunchy fantasies. She smiled as a
sizzling tingle washed over her skin, igniting heat in her belly. Tonight was
going to be fun.
    He smiled back and laced his fingers through hers. “Lead the
    They strolled down the avenue, past the wine bar, the
newsstand, the Italian meat market and the nail salon, past the Vietnamese
restaurant and the tattoo parlor that often had two-for-one sales, the pizza
place that had been there since the fifties, the bank that seemed to change
names every few months, and then turned down tree-lined Kane Street. It was a
pleasant night, good walking weather and the moon was high and bright in the
sky. She could feel the weight of his presence at her side, the warm comfort of
his hand in hers, and desire burned in her chest. She snuck a glance at him and
was all too easily able to envision herself straddling his waist, rocking back
and forth on his long, hard cock. Her inner muscles clenched, wanting him
    “Do you live around here?” she asked,
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