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Book: AMatterofLust Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lisa Fox
wanted to. Maybe that was what set her apart, made her stand out in
his mind. Unlike the many before her, Rena had not been subjugated by the force
of him. Such strength was rare in a human.
    The only time he had experienced anything even remotely
similar had been centuries ago, when he’d met a mortal whose appetite he
thought matched his own. That woman had been insatiable, a true libertine, and
he had taken her again and again at her bidding. He had been young then and
hadn’t known how frail humans were. After a month of his attentions, she’d
become drawn and pale. A month after that, she was dead. The doctors attributed
her death to consumption. He supposed in a way it was.
    But Rena was different. She wasn’t a slave to her carnal
appetites, spurred on by greed and the relentless desire for self-indulgence.
She was stronger than that. Seeing her twice probably wouldn’t hurt her. He
gave it some thought and estimated that he could probably see her every day for
a week and she’d be fine. Besides, he was older now, more experienced, and he
could moderate himself, not take quite so much. Just little tastes here and
there. Or maybe a break would help. Maybe that was the key. He could see her a
few days in a row, let her rest for a while and then…
    His unwanted companion stirred beside him and Trask looked
over at her and sighed. He should take her, fulfill all her dirty little
fantasies, use her for some of his own. He did have a lot of good dirty little
fantasies. Fun things to do in the dark of night. His cock stirred to life as
he pictured a blindfolded, bound Rena, kneeling naked before him, a fistful of
her red hair in his hand. His cock in her sweet, moist mouth. The thought of
coming in all that extraordinary wetness made him hard. Then he could stand her
up and give her a quarter-inch of his cock, just let her have the tiniest taste
of his head at her entrance, tease her until she went crazy for him, begging
him to fill her. He smiled to himself. Yes, he’d very much like to hear her
    A hand fell on his arm and, annoyed by the intrusion, Trask
knocked it aside. The woman gave him a pouting frown, something meant to be
cute and playful, but it only grated on his nerves. He needed to get rid of
her. His hand whipped out, ready to blast her away, but he stopped himself in
time. It wasn’t her fault. She didn’t deserve that kind of punishment. “Go,” he
commanded, and the woman blinked once very hard before standing up. She exited
the club and the door shut behind her with a soft thump.
    “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath and took a sip of his
beer. Coming here was a bad idea. What if Rena had been here? He’d have taken
her and they would have had fun and then what? What else was there? In Trask’s
experience, nothing. And yet, it seemed as if there should be something.
    The foreign thoughts churned in his head, frustrating him
endlessly. He couldn’t quite fathom why he was thinking about any of it. There
was nothing to think about. No matter how strong she was, Rena was still just a
human. One of very, very many. He should go out and find another one to play
with and never come back here.
    Trask’s jaw tightened, everything in him rejecting the
thought of never seeing her again. He sent out one last probe for her, but she
was not there. He slid out of the chair with a mingled sense of disappointment
and relief. That settled it. It was time to go.
    He stood outside the club and stared up at the starry sky.
He needed to go home. Watch a movie. Play on the internet. Jerk off. If he
could get through tonight, he’d be all right. He’d be much better tomorrow.
    He turned toward home, but the sudden feeling of the sharp,
magnificent psychic energy that was Rena made his head snap around. His breath
caught in his throat when he saw her striding up the avenue toward him. The
familiar, undulating sway of her hips made his mouth water. He looked her over
from head to toe, his
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