Alpha Billionaire Obsession
knew Brian so well, but it turned out she
didn’t know him at all.
    At work the next day, Anna started in
her new position as a project manager. It was a lot of work, which
Anna was thankful for, since it took her mind off of the situation
with Brian. He sent her a few texts throughout the day, checking in
on her and sending a few pictures from the weekend. He seemed happy
and back to normal. Anna responded as she normally would, but she
still felt weird and uneasy. Knowing that Brian had hid something
so big from her had completely changed her opinion on him, and she
wasn’t sure of anything anymore.
    She made an excuse not to go out with
him that night, and for the next few nights after. She said that
she was tired, and then that she was spending some time with her
parents, and then with Macy. Really she just didn’t feel like
spending time with Brian. She needed some space to think and
reevaluate her feelings for him.
    By Friday, Brian must have figured out
that something wasn’t right, because as Anna left the office that
afternoon, she noticed him sitting in his car in the parking lot,
waiting for her. “Anna,” he called out to her, and she walked over
    “What’s the matter, Anna? If I didn’t
know any better, I would think that you were avoiding me.” He said
it playfully, but Anna noticed a certain sadness in his eyes. She
decided that she was being immature, that she needed to be upfront
with Brian and tell him what she’d seen and what she
    “I just haven’t been feeling too
well,” she said, which was the truth. “But I feel a little better
now. Want to go get coffee or something?” Brian agreed, and Anna
hopped in his car.
    They pulled into a coffee shop a few
blocks from the office, ordered their drinks, and sat facing each
other in a booth in the corner. Anna felt her face growing hot
despite the air conditioner, and reminded herself to breathe and
stay calm.
    “So, are you going to tell me what’s
up?” asked Brian, still looking forlorn.
    Anna took a deep breath. “I have a
confession,” she began nervously. She knew she was wrong to snoop
through his phone, and was not looking forward to admitting it.
“Sunday morning in Catalina, you looked so distressed, and you
wouldn’t tell me why. When we were at the pool and you got up, I
looked through your phone.”
    “You looked through my phone?” Brian
looked upset. “You don’t trust me?”
    “Well I thought I did, and I knew it
was crazy to look and I’m sorry, but I just had a feeling that
something was wrong.” She took another deep breath. “And it was. I
can’t believe you’ve been keeping something so big— the biggest
part of your life— a secret from me.” All of her emotions from the
past week came rushing to the surface, and Anna had to hold back
tears. “Why would you hide something from me if you love me? Did
you think I wouldn’t love you if I knew? Because I of course I
still would, I’m just upset you lied!”
    For the first time, Brian looked
completely confused. “Anna, what are you talking about? I’m not
hiding anything from you.”
    “Come on!” Anna said, a little too
loudly. “What about Joey? Your son with Melissa? Why didn’t you
tell me that you have a son?”
    Brian covered his face with his hand
and at first, Anna thought he was crying. She felt bad for a
moment, but then, bursts of laughter emerged from behind Brian’s
hand and she realized he wasn’t crying at all; he was laughing as
if he’d heard the funniest joke ever.
    This made Anna angry. “How is this a
joke to you? How is this funny at all?”
    “I… I can’t believe… you think Joey
is… my SON!” Brian said, gasping for air between bursts of
hysterical laughter. “Now I can see why you were so thrown off.
Wow.” He was finally composing himself. “Anna, Joey isn’t my son.
He’s not anyone’s son. Well, I guess he’s someone’s son, but not a
human’s son. He’s a DOG!” Brian was still
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