Alpha Billionaire Obsession
family and friends,
she exercised, she read, she wrote. She and Brian didn’t talk to
each other, but sometimes they’d be on group calls together at
work, so she knew that he was seeing her progress. He was seeing
that she was strong and that she wasn’t going to let herself break
down. She was feeling good about herself again.
    One Friday afternoon, Macy texted her,
asking if she’d like to go see some live music at one of their
favorite local restaurants. Anna replied that that sounded great,
and after work she went home and changed into one of her favorite
dresses and got ready to go out. She had no musical talent herself,
but she was always so impressed with musicians, and their bravery
in performing in front of a crowd of people. She met Macy at the
restaurant, and they sat at the bar, enjoying the singer/songwriter
and the acoustic guitar player who accompanied her.
    They played a few songs, and after the
third or fourth, the singer paused and said, “That song was about
love. Sometimes love makes us act a little crazy, but you just have
to listen to your heart, and you can’t go wrong. There’s someone
here tonight who told me he’d like to say something about love, so
I’d like to invite my new friend Brian up to the
    Anna couldn’t believe her eyes as
Brian, HER Brian, appeared seemingly out of nowhere and walked on
up to the microphone. She looked at Macy, who had a huge smile on
her face. “You knew?” Anna was dumbfounded.
    Macy nodded. “Shh, listen to what he
has to say,” she urged Anna.
    “Love really has made me a little
crazy,” he began. Some people near the front chuckled. “I had
something special with the most amazing woman, and then one little
thing upset me and I wanted to take a break.” Now he shook his
head. “It’s crazy that one little roadblock threw me off and made
me question our relationship.” He looked directly at Anna and said,
“Anna, I don’t blame you for jumping to conclusions. Trusting
someone new can be really hard, especially when things haven’t
worked out in the past.”
    Anna felt tears well up in her eyes,
but she forced a little smile since people had turned to look at
    “I don’t want to spend another day
apart,” continued Brian. “Anna, let’s work on this relationship
together. I’ll make sure that every day, you trust me a little
more. I want you to know that you have nothing to be afraid of. I’m
all yours, and I’m hoping you’ll still be mine.”
    Anna smiled for real now and nodded.
Her heart soared with joy. Brian walked over to her and they
embraced and kissed. Everyone in the restaurant cheered.
    Anna and Brian held true to what Brian
had asked: they worked on their relationship together. Anna began
to trust Brian more, and Brian was patient and didn’t get upset
when little problems came along.
    Anna was spending so much time at
Brian’s house that a few months later, he asked her to move in with
him. She did, and it was wonderful. Anna loved the feeling of
getting into bed with Brian at night and waking up to him next to
her every morning. They were so in love and it was beginning to
feel real and permanent.
    It wasn’t long before Anna finally got
to meet Joey. It turned out that he was a cute, energetic Golden
Retriever, and he was a great running buddy. She met Melissa too,
but it didn’t bother her or make her jealous at all. She was
confident in her relationship with Brian, and knew that he loved
her with all his heart.
    Brian became a totally different
person at work. “You’re such a good influence!” he joked with Anna,
saying that her positivity must have rubbed off on him. Instead of
being stressed and distant and rude to their coworkers, Brian
started going into the office more, and chatting with everyone who
worked there. He got to know everyone personally and wasn’t all
business anymore. Even Chuck admitted that Brian had changed, and
was “cool” now. Brian’s behavior in turn seemed to
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