behind the Kapenrung Mountains. It had taken the combined might of a dozen kingdoms to contain that fanatic religious state in the two-decades-gone, half-forgotten dust-up remembered as the El Murid Wars.
These two had survived that harrowing passage-at-arms, as had Mocker and Bragi and most of those iron-eyed men in the shadows. They remembered. And knew that that argument wasn’t settled.
One, in fact, remembered more than any other guest. More, especially, than this happily self-intoxicated little brown man.
He remembered a distant day when they had last met.
He remembered whom it was who had come out of the north into the Desert of Death, using cheap mummer’s tricks toestablish a reputation as a wizard, to strike to the heart the hope of his master, El Murid, the Disciple. The envoy had been a young trooper then, wild, untameable, in the rear echelon of Lord Nassef’s Invincibles. But he remembered.
A fat, young brown man had come to entertain the guardians of El Murid’s family with tales and tricks-and then, one night, had slain a half dozen sentries and fled with the Disciple’s treasure, his Priceless, the one thing he valued more than the mission given by God.
The fat man had kidnapped El Murid’s virgin daughter.
And she had never been seen again.
It had broken El Murid-at least for the time the infidels needed to turn the tide of desert horsemen sweeping the works of the Evil One from their lands.
And he, Habibullah, who slew like a devil when his enemies came to him face to face-he had lain there, belly opened by a blow struck in darkness, and he had wept. Not for his pain, or for the death he expected, and demanded when the Disciple questioned him, but for the agony and shame he would cause his i master.
Now he sat in the palace of the infidel, and was silent, watching with hooded eyes. When no one was listening, he told his companion, “Achmed, God is merciful. God is just. God delivers his enemies into the hands of the Faithful.”
Achmed didn’t know how, but recognized that this embassy to the heathen had borne fruit at last. Unexpected fruit, sweet and juicy, to judge by Habibullah’s reaction.
“This charlatan, this talker,” Habibullah whispered. “We’ll see him again.”
Their exchange passed unnoticed.
All eyes had turned to the shadows behind the dais. Mocker whirled in time for the advent of the Queen, Fiana Melicar Sardyga ip Krief. He hadn’t seen her for years, despite her inexplicable habit of wandering the streets to poll Vorgreberg’s commons. Time hadn’t treated her kindly. Though still in her twenties, she looked old enough to be the blonde’s mother.
It wasn’t that beauty had deserted her. She retained that, though it was a more mature, promising beauty than Mocker remembered. But she looked exhausted. Utterly weary, and buoyed only by wholehearted devotion to her mission as mistress of the nation.
She seemed unexpected.
She came directly to Bragi, and there was that in her eyes, momentarily, which clarified Elana’s bitter remark.
It was a rumor he had heard in the Siluro quarter.
Hardly anyone cared as long as her affairs of the heart didn’t collide with affairs of state.
Mocker studied Rolf Preshka. The man’s pained expression confirmed his surmise.
“Your Majesty,” said Bragi, with such perfected courtliness that Mocker giggled, remembering the man’s manners of old. “An unexpected honor.”
The assembly knelt or bowed according to custom. Even the ambassadors from Hammad al Nakir accorded the lady deep nods. Only Mocker remained straight-necked, meeting her eyes across Bragi’s back.
Amusement drained five years from her face. “So. Now I understand the hubbub. Where did they exhume you?”
“Your Majesty, we found him in the last place anybody would look,” Ragnarson told her. “I should’ve remembered. That’s the first place to go when you’re hunting him. He was here in the city all the time.”
“Welcome back, old