constitution; complains of Russian thefts; forms Rhineland-Westphalia, 255; reputation; dealings with Adenauer; supports Schumacher; Austrian policy; presence in Austria; administration in Vienna; and deportation of Cossacks to Russia; employs German and Austrian Jews in army; suspicion of Jewish influx into Germany; changes policy on fraternising with Germans; treatment of German POWs; POW camps in; and Nazi war criminals; and war crimes trials; ends war trials; general election (July 1945); policy at Potsdam; economic and financial weakness; rejects People’s Congress; and Berlin airlift; Adenauer opposes entry to Common Market; effects of war on; post-war retribution; decline as power
British Austrian Legal Unit (BALU)
British Control Commission
British Free Corps
British zone (Germany): German refugees in; co-operation with American and French zones; tolerance; denazification; military government in; education in; industrial plant removed; culture in; food and clothing shortages in; thefts in
Britten, Benjamin
Brno, Czechoslovakia: death march
Broch, Hermann
Brost, Erich
Brown, Ralph
Brüning, Heinrich
Brunner, Alois (‘Jupo’)
Brunswick, Ernest-Augustus, Duke of
Brussels Pact (1948)
Brüx (Most), Czechoslovakia
Bryant, Lieutenant-Colonel George (born Breuer)
Buchenwald concentration camp
Büderich camp
Bugner, Helene
Bühler (state secretary)
Bulganin, Marshal Nikolai Alexandrovich
Bulgarians: population transfer (1913)
Bumballa, Raoul
Bürklin, Wilhelm Burschenschaften (student corps)
Busch, Field Marshal Ernst
Bussche-Streithorst, Axel Freiherr von dem
Byrnes, James: on Roosevelt’s anger with Germans; and Polish borders; policy on Germany; and Austrian settlement; accompanies Truman to Potsdam Conference; on Churchill at Potsdam; and Bevin’s hostility to Soviet Russia; at Moscow CFM (December 1945); offers to merge American zone with British; and German curency reform
Čabrinovič, Nedeljko
Cadogan, Sir Alexander
Cailliau, Madame Alfred ( née de Gaulle)
Calmon, Major
Canada: German POW camps in; tries German war criminals
Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm
Cannon, General John
Caprivi, Georg Leo, Graf von
CARE see Co-operative of American Remittances to Europe
Carpenter, Len
Carr, Edward Hallett
Carsten, F. L.
Casablanca Conference (1943)
Celibidache, Sergiu censorship: in Soviet zone
Chaloner, Major (of Hanover Information Council)
Chapigneulles, Major
Charlemagne, Emperor: crown discovered
Cheetham, N. J. A.
Cherrière, General P. R. P.
chewing gum
children: conditions and life
Chotinsky, Fyodor
Christian Democratic Union (CDU): formed; leaders; and Berlin elections (1946); demands national representation; in West German elections (1949)
Christlich-Sozial Union (CSU)
Chuikov, Vassily
Churcher, Brigadier John Bryan
Churchill, Mary
Churchill, Rhona
Churchill, (Sir) Winston S.: on treatment of Germans; drafts Atlantic Charter; as premier (1940); hostility to Prussians; apprehensions over Soviet Russia; and Polish borders; promises to free Austria from Prussians; and Dönitz government; sends ‘iron curtain’ telegram to Truman; protests at British treatment of German leaders; approves expulsion of Germans in central Europe; Fulton speech (1946); and British entry into Vienna; Horthy writes to; Göring quotes; intercedes for Kesselring; hostility to Russians; pleads for French zone in Germany; at Yalta; at Potsdam Conference; concern for weakened British economy; loses premiership to Attlee; and granting of Königsberg to Russia; supports Byrnes; addresses United Europe Congress (May 1948) cigarettes: as currency cinema: in Soviet zone; in American zone; in Austria
Civil Affairs Division (CAD; US War Department)
Clare, George: finds Jewish survivors; with British in Berlin; on Neumann’s satire; attends theatre; meets Karl Arnold; shares rations with children; and denazification; on German-speaking colleagues;