Daladier, Edouard
Dalton, Hugh
Danzig (Gdansk)
Darré, Walter
‘death marches’
De Gasperi, Alcide
de Lancie, John
Deleuze, Major
Dempsey, General Sir Miles
Devers, General Jacob
Dibelius, Otto
Dick, Professor Walter
Dickens, A. G.
Diels, Rudolf
Dietrich, Landrat (of Ruppin)
Dietrich, Otto
Dietrich, General Sepp
Diewald (Austrian lawyer)
Dimitrov, Georgy displaced persons (DPs): in central Europe; looting and killing by; rapes by; in black market
Ditzen, Rudolf (Hans Fallada)
Ditzen, Suse
Dix, Otto
Dix, Rudolf
Dixon, Specialist Sergeant Shirley
Djilas, Milovan
Dmowski, Roman
Dobbek, Dr
Döblin, Alfred; Berlin-Alexanderplatz
‘Doktora’ (of Königsberg)
Dollfuss, Engelbert
Dombrowski (Polish policeman)
domobranci (Slovenian home guard)
Dönhoff, Marion, Gräfin
Dönitz, Admiral Karl
Donnedieu de Vabres, Henri
Donovan, William
Dos Passos, John: on US Military Government HQ in Frankfurt; on co-operation between Western zones; on Vienna; on Fragebogen and denazification; and US hatred of Germans; on DPs’ lawlessness; on Rhine Meadow camps; reports Nuremberg trials; interviews Clay
Douda (Czech police director)
Douglas, Marshal of the RAF Sir Sholto
Draht, Andreas
Drambusch (forester)
Draper, General William
Dratvin, General M. I.
Dresden Gallery
Drobner, Bolesław
Dubensky, William
Dubois, Lieutenant Herbert
Duermayer, Heinz
Dunbaugh, Captain Frank M.
Dunn, Thomas
Duppau, Czechoslovakia
Dyck, Dr van
Dymshitz, Colonel Alexander
Dyszkant, Dr
East Germany see German Democratic Republic
East Prussia: Soviet offensive and destruction in; German population; religious faith; refugees from; starvation in; Stalin’s view on at Potsdam; Germans driven from; Russians appropriate part; see also Prussia
Ebensee, Austria
Eberle, Henrik and Matthias Uhl (eds): Das Buch Hitler ( The Hitler Book )
Ebert, Friedrich
Eclipse, Operation
Eden, Anthony ( later 1st Earl of Avon): and transfer of Germans from East Prussia; disdain for Austria; recognises Austrian claim to independence; and Nuremberg trials; at Potsdam Conference; supports Italian claim to South Tyrol
Edler, Franz
Ehrenburg, Ilya
Eichmann, Adolf
Eigruber, August Gauleiter
Einsiedel, Horst von
Eisenerz Trial (1946)
Eisenhower, General Dwight D.: declares war ended; orders Dönitz’s arrest; visits concentration camp; in Frankfurt-am-Main; reputation; and anti-frat order; and US pillaging; and Göring’s capture; and agreement on Berlin; and territorial allocations at Potsdam; Truman visits in Frankfurt; threatens to scrap Control Council; federal officials quit under
Eisler, Hans
Emery, Major
Engelbert, Otto
Epenstein, Hermann von
Erdmannsdorff, Otto von
Erhard, Ludwig
Erhardt, John
Erlach, Albert von
Erzgebirge, the
Esser, Hans
Esser, Heinz
Eulenburg, Siegfried
European Advisory Commission (EAC)
European Union ( earlier Common Market)
Falkenburger, Paul
Falkenhausen, General Alexander von
Fallada, Hans see Ditzen, Rudolf
Fandrich (judge)
Farmer, Captain Walter
Faulhaber, Cardinal Michael
Fechner, Max
Fediunsky, General I. I.
Fegelein, Hermann
Fegelein, Waldemar
Fehrer, Franz
Feitenhansl, Karl
Felix, Leo (‘Felix Field’)
Feuchtwanger, Lion
Février, Jacques
Fichte, Paul
Fiedler, Ludwig
Field Security Service (FSS; British)
Fierlinger, Zdenek
Figl, Leopold
Filippov, Captain films see cinema
Final Solution; see also Jews
Fischer, Ernst; The Rebirth of My Country
Fischhorn Castle, near Zell-am-See
Fitsch, Eduard
Fläschner, Hans
Flick Group
Flieder, Paul
Flory, General L. D. (Les)
Flossenbürg concentration camp
Foord, Brigadier E. J.
Forrestal, James
Forst, Willy
Forster, Albert
Foster, Norman, Baron
France: revenge acts against Germany; goals for defeated Germany; seeks recognition as great power; claims to Rhine and Ruhr; demands for zone of occupation in Germany;