saltshaker screamed.
TJ shook harder.
“I’m getting nauseated!” the pepper shaker cried.
“Me too,” the saltshaker yelled. “I’m gonna hurl!”
By now everyone was looking around the table to see who was yelling. Only Elizabeth, who stared at the shakers, seemed to make some sort of connection.
“Say, BLT?” she asked. “Why are you salt and peppering your peanut butter and jelly sandwich?”
Instantly, TJ stopped. But before she could answer
Tuna and Herby morphed themselves back into normal people. Well, if you call 23rd-century time travelers standing on the cafeteria table in their silver time-travel suits “normal.”
The good news was only TJ could see them.
The bad news was this didn’t stop her from yelling, “Will you go home?!”
“What’s that, um, er, new girl?” Hesper asked.
TJ looked to her, trying to smile but failing miserably.
“Did you have something to contribute to our conversation?”
TJ shook her head and looked down to her sandwich.
“Good,” Hesper said. “Just stick to writing papers and leave intelligent conversation to us.”
The girls giggled at what was supposed to be humor. TJ felt her cheeks growing hot and nodded. She stole a look at Chad, who seemed anything but amused by the comment.
Unfortunately, Hesper wasn’t exactly finished.
“I mean, since when do folks from Misery, or whatever state you’re from, have anything important to say?”
More tittering by the girls.
More blushing by TJ.
And more scowling by Chad.
But Herby had heard enough. Kneeling on the table, he grabbed TJ’s milk carton. Of course, he was invisible, so all the kids saw was a milk carton mysteriously float off the table and rise above Hesper’s head.
“Herby, don’t!” TJ cried.
Everyone watched in amazement.
“Tuna, stop him!”
Tuna fumbled for his Swiss Army Knife. But he was too late. Herby tilted the carton of milk and poured. The liquid splashed out and was just inches from Hesper’s head when Tuna opened the Time Freezer Blade and
everything and everyone dropped into slow motion.
Everything and everyone but Tuna, Herby, and TJ.
TJ leaped to her feet and shouted at them. “What are you doing?! I told you to stay home. Why did you come to school?”
“We have an emergency, Your Dude-ness.”
“I don’t care about your emergency. There’s no reason . . .” She pointed at the milk slowly falling from the carton. “You just can’t . . . Why are you . . . ?”
“Didn’t you hear what torked things she was saying about you?” Herby asked.
“Well, yes, but . . . I mean, it’s Hesper Breakahart; what do you expect?”
Tuna stuck his finger into the slowly falling stream of milk and gave it a taste. “I expected it to be a lot creamier.”
“That’s because it’s nonfat,” Herby explained.
TJ blew the hair out of her eyes. “What kind of emergency?”
Tuna answered, “You must accompany us back to your house at once!”
TJ motioned to Hesper. By now the stream of milk was an inch from her head. “What about her?”
“We gotta hurry, Your Dude-ness!” Herby insisted.
And before TJ could protest, Tuna pulled out two knife blades. The Transporter Blade
which sent them back to her house, and the Time Freezer Blade
which returned everything to normal. Well, except for the milk that suddenly drenched Hesper’s head.
And while all the girls made a big fuss (and poured milk over their own heads), Elizabeth noticed something very strange. . . .
The new girl had disappeared. Vanished into thin air.
Crystal Ball . . . 23rd Century Style
Malibu, California, October 20—supplemental
Begin Transmission:
Subject unreceptive to marriage proposal. No big quod-quod. She may come around . . . in two or three centuries! Sigh . . .
End Transmission
TJ stood inside her room with her hands on her hips. “So what was so