A Wedding to Remember: Switched at Marriage  Part 1

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Book: A Wedding to Remember: Switched at Marriage Part 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gina Robinson
gallantry. "Drink this. You look pale."
    She stared at the water bottle as if it were a foreign object, and handed my phone back. "It's totally farfetched, but someone charged a boatload of clothes and junk on my credit card. You don't think someone was more than stealing my identity? That they were pretending to be me? Could someone have fooled you into thinking she was me?"
    "No!" I uncapped the bottle for her and held it out to her. "No one could fool me. I would recognize you anywhere, any time."
    She had to understand. I meant it. She was the one girl who was permanently etched in my mind. It was key. I couldn't lose her now.
    "I got hammered when you didn't show up." Damn, how had that slipped out? "But even drunk, I would have known you." I frowned.
    Kayla looked away quickly, as if I'd embarrassed her. She grabbed her bag and rummaged through it. "You can't even remember the wedding. Where's my phone?"
    Harry took a seat and took charge. "We have the piece of paper to prove two people using your names and signatures got married. I don't like this, Justin." He paused. "And a witness of questionable credibility from the twenty-four-hour wedding chapel. He claims two people matching your descriptions got married Saturday night. He showed me a copy of the official license they filed with the state of Nevada."
    I barely heard Harry as I watched Kayla carefully.
    "Ah! Here it is." Kayla pulled her phone from her tote and looked through her texts. She gasped. "You're right! You did text, Jus, but I never got them. And someone texted you back, but it wasn't me." She turned the phone around for Harry and me to see, still looking stunned and like she was trying to process the situation. "That's so random and bizarre. This really isn't a prank?"
    I shook my head, fighting my anger. "Not by me. Someone is screwing with us."
    Embarrassed? Humiliated? There wasn't a word strong enough to describe how I felt just then. It was like running through a room naked. With a boner, because I was incredibly turned on by her. My inner fantasies, my inner self, had just been exposed. Mix that with rage and I was about to explode. What if this was a ploy by one of our competitors to discredit me? Or somehow steal our company-proprietary algorithms? I clenched my fist and took a deep breath.
    Yeah, Kayla had to know I'd had a crush on her as a dumb seventeen-year-old who felt like a misfit at college. Now I'd just tipped my hand that it had been more than a crush. I'd fallen in love with Kayla in a desperate, first-love way I couldn't shake. She had to see now that I'd never gotten over her.
    "I called the credit card company," she said in a stunned voice. "Canceled the card and reported the charges as false. I never dreamed…" She looked to Harry for help.
    Of course she looked to Harry. All the girls did. Handsome, hot, frat-boy Harry. Just what all the former sorority babes like Kayla wanted.
    "This is crazy. What do we do now?" Her eyes were wide, and flashed with anger. "We can't let her get away with it. She somehow engineered this fake marriage using our names and identities. What's her game? What does she want?"
    Shit, I never wanted Kayla more than I did at that moment. I wanted her eyes to flash with outrage on my behalf now and forever.
    Harry looked to me for direction. "Justin? We need a word."
    I shook my head. "This doesn't change anything. We proceed with the original plan. It's even more important now."
    Kayla jumped in. "We have to stop her! What if she comes back at Justin and tries to blackmail him out of more? What if she demands a huge alimony settlement or something?" Even when she frowned she was gorgeous. When she turned her lilac eyes on me, I went to mush.
    "The bitch." Her gaze slid down me, measuring the changes. "I don't get why she ran out on you."
    For a second, my heart jumped and my hopes soared. She likes what she sees!
    All that time at the gym each day with a personal trainer was paying off.
    Until she
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