A Wedding to Remember: Switched at Marriage  Part 1

A Wedding to Remember: Switched at Marriage Part 1 Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Wedding to Remember: Switched at Marriage Part 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gina Robinson
continued, with a pretty furrow in her brow, "Maybe she didn't realize the opportunity she had. Maybe she didn't know who you are and what she could have gotten out of you."
    If Kayla was faking her innocence, she was doing a damned good job. I crashed back to reality. "Yeah, maybe. Harry, I need a quick word with you. Alone."

Chapter Three
    K ayla
    Harry pushed back from the table. I was intrigued now by the whole situation.
    "This is the damnedest divorce meeting I've ever seen," Harry said as he stood.
    "Like that's a big deal. You're a contract lawyer, not a divorce attorney. How many have you seen?" Justin shot back as he stood, too.
    The way he was able to tease at a time like this was completely adorable. Eric would have flipped and flown into a rage. Justin kept his calm and his sense of humor while I was freaking out inside.
    Harry shook his head as if he couldn't believe what was going on. "You wanted a contract lawyer on this. I consulted the firm's hotshot divorce attorney. We can bring him in on this."
    Justin joined him at the door. He was even taller than I had imagined when he was sitting. His shoulders were broader. His new confidence was surprising and a relief. What had happened to the scrawny, insecure guy he used to be? If he dressed in clothes that fit him, he might actually not be too bad to look at. I could barely believe this was the same Justin I'd known in college.
    "We'll just be a minute," Justin said. "If you need anything, let Laura at reception know." Then he and Harry stepped outside.
    They were gone about ten minutes, leaving me to imagine all sorts of schemes. What was that identity thief's game? What had the bitch wanted? She obviously wasn't too bright, letting a billionaire go. And marrying him under a false identity. If she'd used her real name, the marriage would probably have been legal.
    I shuddered at the thought of her taking Justin for half his billions. She was still a threat. What if she realized who he really was and sold her story to the tabloids? Or blackmailed him?
    Justin came back alone. "I asked Harry to wait for me outside. I wanted to talk to you alone now."
    I jumped at the sound of his voice.
    "Sorry to startle you." His smile was sympathetic.
    "No, it's okay. I was lost in thought. Is it just me? Or is this wild and weird? And a little like something out of an episode of Dateline ?"
    "No one's died," he said.
    "Good point. We don't want to add murder to the mix. But disappearing women?"
    He laughed softly. "It's not you. It's definitely both, with a little of 'What the shit' thrown in."
    I couldn't wrap my head around any of it—the way he'd changed and the situation we were in. Someone pretending to be me and duping Justin into marriage was either a better prank than even Dex could have thought up or a diabolical scheme. Or complete stupidity.
    "You've changed." I rubbed my chin, and mimed an imaginary pointed beard. "What's with this?"
    The Justin of old had been baby-faced.
    He took a seat next to me at the table and turned his chair so he faced me. "Because I can. And it makes me look older. I can't run a company constantly being mistaken for a twelve-year-old."
    I slid my gaze over him. "No one's going to mistake you for a boy now."
    He smiled and hesitated, as if he was searching for words. "This whole situation is…embarrassing." His gaze held mine. "Kayla, this dumb shit stunt of mine puts me and my company in a bad situation. I need a favor, a big favor, from you. You're the only one who can help me." He laughed at himself. "It's bad negotiating technique to lead with that. But it's true."
    I stared at him, heart pounding as he took my hands in his. His were surprisingly large and warm. Mine had gone ice cold in the overactive air conditioning.
    "I didn't think I'd ever be proposing to a girl like this…proposing something like this." He took a deep breath. "I need you…I would be very…grateful…if you would stay married to me."
    My mouth fell open. I
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