A Wedding to Remember: Switched at Marriage  Part 1

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Book: A Wedding to Remember: Switched at Marriage Part 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gina Robinson
knew I was gaping, but I couldn't make my mouth or voice work.
    "Not forever. Just for…a year. I'm willing to compensate you—generously—for your trouble."
    I felt my mouth working like a fish's. Open. Close. Open. Close. But no sound came out at first. "But we aren't…but I never—"
    "It's legal enough as long as we both claim it's real. We have a witness. You were holed up in your hotel room. No one saw you. The facts fit. If that identity thief bitch ever shows up, it will be her word against…ours. Who will the courts and public believe?"
    There was a second, maybe even a half a second, when the thought crossed my mind. He doesn't believe I'm telling the truth about not marrying him. He thinks I'm trying to get out of it.
    I brushed the thought aside, too stunned by the turn of events to think clearly. "I…don't know. It would be complicated. To say the least."
    "I know." He nodded. "But we can handle it. I wouldn't ask if it weren't vital. I have nearly a thousand people depending on me for their livelihood. I can't let them down."
    He began explaining about his company. How important it was to him and how he had to look responsible. How being scammed would make his investors lose confidence in him and, more importantly, the company. About how we could shut down the identity thief before she came back and tried to do more damage. Made demands that could ruin him and Flashionista. Or tried to claim the marriage was legit. Something about more money if that's what I wanted.
    I listened, but didn't hear. It was too much to take in until he mentioned money. "I don't want your money. I stand on my own two feet and earn my way in life."
    He squeezed my hands, looking inordinately pleased. "Think of being my wife like a job. You'll have to act the part. All the time. Go to charity events. Be seen in public with me. Travel with me. It will be a hell of a lot of work. You'll definitely earn your money. What can I do to convince you?"
    "I don't prostitute myself."
    He blushed. "I don't expect sex."
    I didn't know whether to be relieved or hurt by his quick answer. I hated to admit it, but apparently I was one of those shallow girls who wanted a guy to lust after her. Forever. I know, irrational. But, you know, every girl wants to be desired when she's being proposed to. As it turns out, that's true even if the marriage is faked.
    I took a deep breath. "I'm not ready to be married—"
    "According to this." He picked up the license. "You already are."
    I took a deep breath, willing myself to think. I was intrigued. "What kind of arrangement are you proposing? Would we live together, for example?"
    "Most married people do. It will make the charade more convincing. That's essential."
    "But what will everyone think? What will my parents think?" I shuddered at the thought. "Eric and I just broke up. I'm off men. It will be a hard sell."
    "Eric? The same Eric from college?" He sounded surprised.
    "Yeah, unfortunately. I'm a stupid sucker for him." I corrected myself: "I was a stupid sucker for him." Maybe that sounded a little too fierce.
    "I'm sorry." He was trying to look sympathetic, but I saw through him. He'd never liked Eric.
    "It's okay. Really . I'm better off without him." Or so I kept telling myself.
    "He's a real douchebag for letting you get away." He sounded genuine about that, at least.
    "That's nice of you to say. On the bright side, it makes things less complicated for us." I reached into my tote for a tissue.
    As I dabbed my eyes, I looked at Justin, trying to imagine him as my husband. And realizing with a shock that now that he was a billionaire and I was just one broke girl, he was out of my league. The world was on its ear. Girls the world over would die to be in my place right now. I had to save my dignity.
    "You'll look like rebound guy. Like I just married you to show him. 'See, I married a billionaire—ha ha! In your face, sucker.' You could have anyone, any girl you wanted now. Do you really want to be
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