A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People
times larger than the combined boroughs of New York City. 41 Nelson was awarded the Order of Merit of Chile, the National Order of Southern Cross of Brazil, and the order of the Aztec Eagle of Mexico, but the people themselves weren’t so taken with him. When he made a fact-finding tour of Latin America for President Richard Nixon in 1969 he created uproar. The government of Venezuela had to cancel his visit after students seized university buildings, and street fighting with rocks and pistols broke out. In the Dominican Republic a Standard Oil refinery was blown up, and in Argentina nine Rockefeller-owned supermarkets were bombed and burned. That was followed by a nationwide labor strike. As Nelson embraced the dictator of Paraguay, Alfredo Stroessner, demonstrators burned an American flag.
    Nicolo Tucci resigned his post as head of the Bureau of Latin American Research because as he later put it, “My bureau was supposed to undo the Nazi and fascist propaganda in South America and Rockefeller was inviting the worst fascists and Nazis to Washington.” x When Tucci took his complaints to Nelson he was told, “Everybody is useful and we’re going to convert these people to friendliness to the United States.” Then Rockefeller’s lawyer Larry Levy said to me, “Don’t worry, we’ll buy those people.” 42
    The Washington Post wrote a scathing editorial indicting the vote on Argentina’s admission: “The regime which is described as having done things recently that exceed anything this correspondent can remember in his seventeen years experience in Fascist Italy this regime was railroaded into the company of ‘peace-loving states’ in San Francisco by Secretary Stettinius and Assistant Secretary Rockefeller.” 43
    John D. Rockefeller III, brother of Nelson went on a series of world tours with John Foster Dulles in 1950 and 1951. They focused on the need to stop the expansion of the non-white populations. In 1952, Dulles and Rockefeller set up the Population Council with millions of dollars from the Rockefeller family. The American Eugenics Society moved into the Population Council’s headquarters and assumed its name. The eugenics movements’ belief in mandatory sterilization for inferior and defective people was not at all unlike the beliefs that led to the elimination of undesirable races through genocide in Nazi Germany before and during WWII.
    Several of the Directors of The American Eugenics Society worked at institutions that were involved in the MKULTRA experiments or other covert government experiments. Dr. Franz J. Kallmann xi worked at New York State Psychiatric Institute as a geneticist from 1936 to 1951. He became chief of psychiatric research from 1952 through 1965. New York State Psychiatric Institute obtained funding through the Edgewood Arsenal Army’s Chemical Corps medical research labs. They were given three contracts for studies of LSD and mescaline on human subjects. In fact, at the “First Psychochemical Conference” (12 May 1954) the principal Research Psychiatrist was introduced as “a pioneer in the field of correlating experimental pharmacology and clinical psychiatry.” On January 8, 1953 Mr. Harold Blauer died of circulatory collapse and heart failure, following an intravenous injection of a synthetic mescaline derivative while at New York State Psychiatric Institute. 44 It was this institute that I have reason to believe I was taken to covertly in 1952. xii
    Genetic research was indeed one of the major interests of Dr. Josef Mengele. During one of the experiments I was forced to endure at the hands of Dr. Black, he referred to me as a “Mengele Kid.” After seeing photographs of him from the fifties and sixties, I believe Dr. Black was an alias that the “Angel of Death,” Josef Mengele used while doing mind control experiments under Project MKULTRA after his disappearance from Auschwitz on January 18, 1945.
    I first met Dr. Black when I was four. It
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