A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People
Security was at stake, etc. etc. etc., blah, blah, blah, blah.
    That day it was decided that in exchange for some money and freedom from prosecution for making child pornography, I would become the governments’ little experiment. It seems that grandpa had become involved with gangsters when they moved into the city in 1931. A group of criminals from Detroit led by Thomas “Yonnie” Licavoli moved to Toledo in March in an attempt to take over the bootleg and gambling clubs. Licavoli had been told by Al Capone “to stay the hell out of Detroit.” The gang killed 13 people in our city in five months when they refused to pay protection money.
    One bootlegger, Jack Kennedy Sr., refused to split the proceeds of his liquor business and became the target of the mob. xiii Jack became friends with my uncle, who later married Grandpa Al’s only daughter. In 1933 Kennedy was renting a cottage a few blocks from grandpa’s house. Leaving his bodyguard with his young son, he took a stroll with his girlfriend and was shot 11 times and died. One of the handguns that were used in the killing was found on the bank of the river by my dad, who was then eleven years old. The gun was linked to the Licavoli gang and with additional evidence, Yonnie was sentenced to prison for life. 45 I remember how afraid I was when Governor Rhodes commuted his sentence to second-degree murder and he was paroled. I naively figured he had a major vendetta to carry out against my dad, not realizing that if that were the case, he would have been long dead.
    The mob was still active in Toledo when I was growing up, so it seems entirely possible that Grandpa helped Al Capone’s gang take control of Toledo by ridding it of Licavoli’s gang. Grandpa was a boozer and pedophile. The true extent of his personal involvement with this group went to the grave with him. I can only say that I’m quite sure that I was not the first child to star in his pornographic films, which were distributed to some very wealthy, notable public figures, probably through the mob.
    Having found this out, the CIA took advantage of this knowledge to enlist grandpa’s cooperation. They were looking for children who had the ability to disassociate from reality for a project named Bluebird/Artichoke. Dissociative amnesia is characterized by an inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. 46
    The CIA was about to determine if I would be a proper candidate for future experiments. I proved to be everything they wanted and more. Since I was just a baby in diapers when my dad started abusing me, I learned to go someplace else in my head to preserve my sanity. After awhile, when my grandfather started doing the same things and worse, I learned to dissociate even more. I began creating separate parts or personalities to hold the memories of this trauma. The technical term is alters. In a memo dated six months before I was first used in experiments, Bluebird states that practical - not theoretical research be conducted and carried out. The nature of this research to include these specific problems:
    1. Can we “condition” by post-H (hypnotic) suggestion agency employees (or persons of interest to this agency) to prevent them from giving information to any unauthorized source or for committing any act on behalf of a foreign or domestic enemy?
    2. Can we in a matter of an hour, two hours, one day, etc., induce an H condition in an unwilling subject to such an extent that he will perform an act for our benefit? (Long range).
    3. Can we create by post-H control an action contrary to an individual’s basic moral principles?
    4. Could we seize a subject and in the space of an hour or two by post-H control have him crash an airplane, wreck a train, etc.? (Short, immediate activity)
    5. Can we by SI xiv and H techniques force a subject (unwilling or
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