A Nation Betrayed: Secret Cold War Experiments Performed on Our Children and Other Innocent People
was a scorching day in July 1952. Because of the blessed event of my little sisters’ birth, I was given the dubious honor of staying with Grandpa Al and Grandma Cordula, daddy’s parents. Grandpa decided to let me run in my underwear through the water that would squirt out of all the holes in the hose that he used to water the vegetable garden. When I was through getting totally drenched, I ran into the greenhouse to smell the flowers and watch him work. Such a dichotomy, that this child molester raised this room full of perfume and velvety smoothness. I especially loved the pansies, as they reminded me of little faces gazing up at me. Grandma had the huge concrete floral baskets that Grandpa crafted filled with petunias, pansies, snapdragons, and lacy ferns. The glass blocks imbedded in the cement threw the colors of the flowers everywhere.
    Grandpa was an incredibly resourceful man. A bricklayer by trade, he found himself without a job during the recession. For a while, he worked for the government funded CWA and FERA programs during the Depression, where he did most of the stonework inside the snake cages in the Reptile house in the Zoo. A Toledo Blade newspaper article about him says, “By sheer inventiveness, combined with a bulldog determination and courage, he literally has pulled himself out of the depression slough by his boot straps.”
    The article goes on to say, “Today he owns a home... and has a five-year lease on two and one-half acres of land, which he has converted into a vegetable garden. All of this has been done with the aid of a hand trailer, a boat and about $30.” The article continues, “Lacking the funds to buy an old vacant house, he agreed to pay the stipulated price of $200 in labor, the only commodity he had... In order to move the house from its original location-about three blocks away from its present one-he got the jacks and necessary implements for the job, agreeing to pay with his labor for the cost involved. The next problem was to build a foundation. With the aid of the hand trailer, he gathered old bricks wherever he could find them, and these old bricks that nobody wanted have found their place into and eight-foot basement as foundation for the home.” As the story continues grandpa carried the sand needed to make cement from the sand bars in a boat across the lake, unloaded it, and took it home in a hand trailer. The stone porch he built for the house came from a torn down chimney ferried in the same way, but from a much greater distance. This fortitude was what our country had been built on. Too bad he brought with him the pedophilic traits of his forefathers.
    Late that afternoon Grandpa said it was time to go out to the fruit and vegetable stand that sat at the street. It had an awning so the produce wouldn’t cook in the sun. He lifted me up to sit beside the tomato baskets that were already filled. I wiggled my toes, as I carefully placed each tomato in the scale to be weighed when people stopped by on their way home from work. I even got a shiny penny to put in the pocket of my coveralls. Wow, having mommy in the hospital did have some benefits.
    After supper that evening, Grandma Cordula started talking on the phone and shaking her head at grandpa. She had a very worried look on her face when she hung up the phone.
    “We shouldn’t be doing this Al.”
    “Shut up, Cordula! Just shut up!”
    She shuts up. Then Grandpa says, “You’re goin on a vacation soon and I know you’ll be a good little girl.”
    I wasn’t quite sure what a vacation was, but it sounded good to me. The next day this big shot from the CIA paid a visit to grandpa. He talked about patriotism and how grandpa could become a big shot too, and get money for helping to rid the world of Commies. It wasn’t no skin off his back to do what needed to be done. He just had to exert some pressure to make our daddy let the CIA perform a few little experiments on me. National
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