A Heart Renewed

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Book: A Heart Renewed Read Online Free PDF
Author: Karen Baney
    “Now dear, it will be just fine,” Pa said turning to his wife.  “Adam is a fine young man and he will make us proud… Already has.”
    “But, I will miss you so.”
    “I know, Ma. I will miss you both… All of you… But, I believe this is the direction I am to take.”
    “Son, I know you have prayed about your future for some time, and we have as well.”  His pa stood, moving to his side.  “We will miss you greatly, but you’re right, I believe this is God’s calling for your life.  And God willing, someday travel between our two homes will be easier and we will get to see you again.”
    Moisture collected in the corner of Adam’s eyes as his pa pulled him into a giant bear hug.  Blinking quickly, he regained control.  It was going to be harder than he thought to leave his family.
    That evening following supper, Pa broached the subject to the entire family.  “Adam has something he wants to tell us.”
    Clearing his throat of a sudden lump, Adam took a deep breath.  “I’m moving to the Arizona Territory to work with the horses at Will Colter’s ranch.”
    Nine year old Helen jumped up from her chair without asking permission to leave her seat.  Launching herself into his arms, she cried, “I don’t want you to go!”
    Bethie, just a year older than Helen, stayed in her seat, but echoed her sister’s complaint.  Fiery red-headed Missy flashed blue eyes of shock his direction—for once speechless.
    “When will you leave?” Caroline asked.  Her normally jubilant smile vanished.
    “First of September.”
    “So soon?” the fourteen year old Missy asked.  “Can’t you wait until the first of the year?”
    Adam smiled.  “Then I suppose at the first of the year you’ll be asking me to stay just until summer.”
    Missy’s wild mass of red curls bounced as she nodded her head.  Oh, how he would miss the girls—his sweet, adorable, sometimes troublesome sisters.
    Georgie, four years his senior, normally rather well composed, seemed caught off guard by the announcement as well.  “Didn’t figure you’d ever leave Larson Ranch,” he said, shaking his head.
    Adam shrugged.
    “We certainly wish you well.  Will’s lucky to have you,” Georgie added.
    Another glance around the table and Adam knew just how deeply his family loved him.  Not an eye was clear—each shaded with at least a hint of moisture, though some cried unashamed.  As his gaze moved back towards the patriarch of this brood, his pa stood.
     “When you leave, son, I want you to take one of the best studs and one of the best mares with you.”  Adam’s jaw dropped.  His father could not be serious.
    “It is the least we can do to get you started on your own.  And you deserve the best, because you have always given us your best.  Our horse business will sorely miss your talent, as we will miss you.”  His father stopped abruptly and went to embrace his son for the second time that day.  When he pulled back, Adam saw the moisture in his pa’s eyes.
    It was going to be very hard to leave his family behind.

Chapter 3
    On Sunday morning, Julia woke from a fitful sleep.  The dream had been so real—too real.  She saw herself standing at the front of the church, screaming hysterically at Hiram, accusing him of all manner of lies.  Then she left, riding from town on a pure white horse, glowing in the sunlight.  Instead of being free, like Caroline’s plan, she had been dragged to the ground with heavy chains weighing her down.  Hiram chased after her and forced her to wed him that day.  As her dream took her in shackles to his ranch house, to his bed chamber, she blessedly woke, spared from the dreadful scene.
    As she washed for the day, her hands shook uncontrollably, making it difficult to pin the stylish ringlets into place.  Eventually she gave up, asking for Mary’s assistance.  Despite her anxiety, she would go through with Caroline’s plan.  She had to.  Lord, please
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