62 Days

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Book: 62 Days Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jessie M
    “ Mr Hottie , am I?” he smiled broadly.
    He seemed to like my description of him, far too much. Oh God, that was a bad slip of the tongue. It was misleading. I’ll have to ruin his misled mind now…
    “ My friend Suze made it up.” Lie, lie… sorry Suze.
    “ I might have guessed. Anyway, I like to be a little unconventional in my activities.”
    “ I take it this would have to be an overnighter?”
    “ Why? Getting concerned about the sleeping arrangements, are you?”
    “ Not at all. I’ve slept with you before, I’m sure I can control myself pretty well.”
    “ When you’re unconscious and ill maybe.”
    “ Whatever…”
    I didn’t like the way this was going now… his eyes were suddenly all glowy again…
    “ I’m sure I’ll be irresistible when you’re sober and well and I’m completely naked” He gave me one of his sexy grins. I’m not amused or excited.
    “ Don’t test me out, you’ll be in for a disappointment mister. I’m not interested in you remember.”
    “ Well there’s a challenge if I ever heard one.”
    “ Stop flirting with your new friend.”
    “Stop being  so uptight with me.”
    “ Please don’t Mark.”
    “ What?”
    “ Don’t do this.”
    “ Fucking do what? Have a fun conversation? A mild flirt… A little suggestion… What so bad?”
    Oh dear I think I’ve upset him somehow, he’s gone all sweary and heated on me. He runs his hand through his hair and looks at me intensely.
    “ It might get out of hand…” I try to explain…
    “ And? We’re both adults, what’s the problem?”
    “ We’re not dating, forgotten that already?”
    “M aybe we’ll want to rethink that at some stage.”
    “ End of conversation. Can we go to the wedding now please?” I turn my head and look out of the window with a flush on my face. That was a little too personal and heated… my pulse is racing and I feel very uncomfortable inside.
    We pull away from the parking area and set off for the wedding. He puts on the radio and pushes some buttons on his sat nav…
    I don’t know what he is thinking now… that worries me.
    We arrive at the wedding and thankfully Mark seems to be back to his usual nice and friendly self.
    The wedding was one of those wonderful fluffy white ball gown affairs. Pure Scarlet O’Hara in Oxfordshire. It was teeming with pageboys and all sizes of navy blue bridesmaids. I imagined it was hugely expensive based on the location which was an ancient but rather beautiful mansion in the country. Mark’s 23 year old second cousin Amelia was marrying Phillip, her university boyfriend.
    Once the chapel ceremony was over, and the photographs taken we were all ushered into a reception area in a large conservatory to the side of the main house. There we were treated to pink champagne and a glorious buffet style meal.
    There were a number of aunties and uncles and grandparents and first and second cousins. Mark seems to have a very big family. I was introduced to everyone as Mark’s friend Rachel. I forgot everyone’s names a few seconds after I was introduced, as usual. I’m terrible with names. I have to write all the visitors names down when I’m at work.
    Suddenly here I am in front of Mark’s mum and dad. It’s scary stuff meeting parents, even parents of male friends. He introduces me to them, like before, as his friend Rachel.
    “ So, how long have you known Mark, Rachel?” Beautifully stylish Mrs Williams asks me in a cultured voice, whilst giving my Wallis special a good look over. I think I passed her style test.
    “ Oh, not very long at all Mrs Williams, but we hit it off straight away.” I’m very careful to pronounce my words properly. I look at Mark, he’s smirking a little.
    “ Oh please call me Paula, and where did you meet, do you mind me asking?”
    “ It was at a party. I bumped into him by accident.” I look again. Still smirking and trying not to laugh.
    “ I swept her off her feet mother.” He smiled
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