62 Days

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Book: 62 Days Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jessie M
    Mark took a break from his quick circulate around the room and came and sat down by my side.
    “ You okay?”
    “ Sure, Cameron was telling me all about her job.”
    “ We’ll go soon. This must be too much family togetherness for you.” he gave me a sympathetic little look.
    “ Whenever you like. I’m just fine.”
    “ You are?” He looked surprised.
    “ I’m happy just to sit and look around… really, I love it here… the kiddies are so cute. The cake is so high. The bride is just so perfectly white… There’s lots to look at…” I was used to just sitting and gazing. I’d done a lot of it in my apartment over the past two months. This was nice and interesting sitting in comparison.
    “ Well maybe another half an hour then, okay?”
    “ Mark, just go and chat, it’s fine. If I get bored I’ll find some old auntie of yours and talk about knitting or whatever.”
    “W hat a friend you are.”
    I could see something like admiration in his eyes and a warm smile appeared.
    “ I know, go and tell your mother.” I smiled back.
    He gave me a curious look as he went off.
    He came back twice quite soon after that and eventually took me off with him to chat with some of his young cousins.
    As we started driving home at 9pm, I had to admit I’d had a good time. So I told him.
    “ I really enjoyed the wedding a lot. Thanks for taking me.”
    “ No, I should be the one to say thanks.”
    “ Oh, why’s that?”
    “ For being so friendly and patient today.”
    “ That’s what friends are for.”
    He looked at me for a moment as if he was about to say something then changed his mind and turned his attention back to the road.
    I felt we were now friendly enough for me to ask my burning question. “Mark, what happened with Charlotte?”
    “ Oh no, don’t tell me mother’s been talking again. Take no notice of her Rachel.”
    I turned my head to look his way. “Well yes, she did bring her up, it’s obviously a big thing in her mind. And now of course I’m curious.” I could see he was debating what to tell me.
    “ Hmmm… It’s a little complicated but basically eighteen months ago we were engaged… then she changed her mind and went back to her ex.”
    “ Oh dear, I’m sorry. That must have hurt you so much.”
    “ It did. Can we please change the subject?”
    “ No, not yet.” I was going to offload… just for a few seconds. I felt the need. “I’ve just had a bad experience as well. Two months ago. My boyfriend Jon, he left me after two years together. It was a very unhealthy difficult relationship.” I can’t believe I’m actually telling him this very personal stuff about myself already. But I really want to. Here we are, friends together, talking about failed love.
    “ I’m sorry too. So that’s why you’re the way you are.”
    “ And how am I Mark?”
    “ Lost.”
    I couldn’t speak. That was exactly how I was. A lost soul, no purpose, no meaning, no anything… I looked out of the side window as a hot well of tears built up in my eyes. He placed his hand on mine.
    “ It’ll get better, don’t worry. You’ll be just fine.”
    I wiped away the teary eyes with my finger.
    We finally drew up outside my apartment block and he switched the engine off and turned towards me. I undid my seatbelt ready to get out.
    “ I’d like to do something very friendly. You okay with that?” He asked me looking directly into my eyes.
    “ I guess so.” Here comes a goodnight kiss then. Unless I’ve completely misread that last remark. I’m quite looking forward to it in fact. It must be the Bucks Fizz and wine I’ve had today loosening my screwed up tight inhibitions. A nice friendly, unpressured, meaningless kiss. Just a touch of friendly lips. I really like my new man friend at the moment. My new good looking confidant who is about to kiss me goodnight in a friendly way.
    He undid his seat belt and leaned across to my side of the car.
    His face is a few inches away. He
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