5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology, 2010-2011 Edition
might account for the poorer performance of African Americans on intelligence tests and girls on mathematics achievement tests because of
    (A) generalized anxiety disorder
    (B) stereotype threat
    (C) neuroticism
    (D) the primacy effect
    (E) psychological profiling
    55. Although your friend thinks there is nothing wrong with her, you are concerned with her behavior of unplugging every electrical item in her house every time she leaves, including all lamps, radios, the television, toaster, clocks, and telephones. Her behavior might be considered abnormal because
    (A) she doesn’t know right from wrong
    (B) it is atypical and violates cultural norms
    (C) she thinks it interferes with her everyday life
    (D) it is insane
    (E) it is dangerous
    56. Which of the following perspectives attributes abnormal behavior to failure to resolve unconscious conflicts?
    (A) biological
    (B) behavioral
    (C) psychoanalytic
    (D) humanistic
    (E) evolutionary
    57. Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by
    (A) unwarranted suspiciousness and mistrust of other people
    (B) lack of interest in social relationships
    (C) a grandiose sense of one’s own importance
    (D) instability revolving around problems of mood and thought processes
    (E) pleasure-seeking, shallow feelings, lack of conscience
    58. David thought he heard a dog telling him to kill people. Hearing the dog talking is an example of
    (A) a hallucination
    (B) a delusion
    (C) inappropriate affect
    (D) incoherent speech
    (E) palsy
    59. The American Psychiatric Association’s
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
    (A) is meant to be used by psychiatrists, but not psychologists
    (B) describes the causes of a variety of mental disorders
    (C) explains why homosexuality should be considered a mental disorder
    (D) contains case illustrations to help diagnosticians identify a client’s disorder
    (E) defines categories of mental disorders in terms of symptoms
    60. Which is a behavioral therapy that has proven successful in treating phobias?
    (A) electroconvulsive shock treatment
    (B) group therapy
    (C) psychosurgery
    (D) systematic desensitization
    (E) rational emotive therapy
    61. Psychoanalytic therapy and humanistic therapy differ in that psychoanalytic therapy focuses on
    (A) the present and humanistic therapy focuses on the future
    (B) subconscious and preconscious thoughts and humanistic therapy focuses on conscious thoughts
    (C) curing illness and humanistic therapy focuses on preventing illness
    (D) fixations and humanistic therapy focuses on insight
    (E) probing past feelings and humanistic therapy focuses on exploring feelings as they occur
    62. Clients who drink too much alcohol are sometimes treated with a drug that causes nausea if the client consumes alcohol. This type of therapy is known as
    (A) systematic desensitization
    (B) progressive relaxation
    (C) client centered therapy
    (D) aversive conditioning
    (E) psychodynamic therapy
    63. Light therapy, consisting of exposure to bright light in the morning, has been successful in relieving symptoms of
    (A) dissociative amnesia
    (B) seasonal affective disorder
    (C) disorganized schizophrenia
    (D) obsessive-compulsive disorder
    (E) Alzheimer’s disease
    64. Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil help elevate mood by
    (A) increasing the availability of serotonin to post synaptic neurons
    (B) decreasing the availability of norepinephrine to post synaptic neurons
    (C) facilitating reuptake of serotonin
    (D) acting as agonists of dopamine
    (E) preventing reuptake of dopamine
    65. A college professor asked a biology teacher to let a college student observe her teaching for one period. After the student observed the teacher, the professor asked the teacher to accept the student as a student teacher for 10 weeks. She agreed. The strategy the professor used to get the teacher to agree is called
    (A) cognitive dissonance
    (B) foot-in-the-door phenomenon
    (C) obedience to authority
    (D) normative social influence
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