5 Steps to a 5 AP Psychology, 2010-2011 Edition
student. The points form a pattern. If, for example, the pattern extends from the lower left to the upper right of the graph, the correlation between the first and final exams is positive.
    7. D— ( Chapter 6 ) Both the mean and the median are 5 for each set. Adding all scores for each set, the sum is 25. Dividing by the number of scores (7) the mean is 5. The middle score for each set, when put in order, is the median. Set 1 does not have a mode.
    8. E— ( Chapter 6 ) The mean, median, and mode are measures of centrality and do not tell anything about variability. The range is a crude measure that can be misleading for this set, because 32 is so different from the rest of the set. Standard deviation is a more sensitive measure of variability.
    9. E— ( Chapter 7 ) Functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography enable psychologists to see the parts of the brain that are functioning when a subject is engaged in a particular task. An electroencephalograph enables psychologists to see patterns of brain waves, but an electrocardiogram shows heart function. Computerized axial tomography and magnetic resonance imaging picture brain structure rather than function.
    10. C— ( Chapter 7 ) The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are subdivisions of the autonomic nervous system. Whereas the sympathetic speeds up the function of an organ, the parasympathetic slows it down.
    11. A— ( Chapter 7 ) A neuron is a single cell that transmits messages in our bodies. Nerves, a reflex arc, and the brain are composed of neurons. An axon is part of a neuron.
    12. D— ( Chapter 7 ) The adrenal glands secrete corticosteroids and adrenaline when we are stressed.
    13. E— ( Chapter 7 ) The tiny hypothalamus helps regulate hunger, thirst, body temperature, some biological rhythms, some emotions, heart rate, and other functions.
    14. A— ( Chapter 7 ) Starla probably has damage to Wernicke’s area, critical for understanding language, which is part of the left temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex.
    15. C— ( Chapter 8 ) Taste (gustation) and smell (olfaction) are the chemical senses. For the sense of smell, chemical energy of molecules is changed to the electrochemical energy of a neural impulse at the mucous membrane on the roof of the nose. This membrane is called the olfactory mucosa.
    16. A— ( Chapter 8 ) The hammer, anvil, and stirrup are the three tiny bones in the middle ear that transmit vibrations to the cochlea, where transduction takes place. If they are damaged, vibrations may not be transmitted, resulting in conduction deafness.
    17. A— ( Chapter 8 ) Since Hannah could hear a sound from farther away than Maya, she seems to have a lower absolute threshold for hearing than Maya.
    18. C— ( Chapter 8 ) Kinesthesis is your sense of body position and movement of individual body parts, with receptors in your muscles, tendons, and joints.
    19. A— ( Chapter 8 ) A mile is too far away for texture gradient, retinal disparity, and convergence to be factors in perceiving depth. At that distance, the fact that the building partially hides the hills behind it is a cue to which is closer.
    20. A— ( Chapter 9 ) Alpha and beta waves characterize our awake states, whereas theta and delta waves are more characteristic of sleep states.
    21. A— ( Chapter 9 ) According to the dissociation theory, hypnotized individuals experience two or more streams of consciousness cut off from each other, where the hidden observer monitors behavior.
    22. C— ( Chapter 9 ) Methamphetamine, caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, and benzedrine are all classified as stimulants.
    23. D— ( Chapter 10 ) Because of a learned association with loud thunder, lightning can evoke a cringing reaction. The other behaviors are unlearned, automatic behaviors.
    24. D— ( Chapter 10 ) Classical conditioning establishes an association between an unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus that becomes a conditioned stimulus. The unconditioned
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