15 Secrets and Spies - My Sister the Vampire

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Book: 15 Secrets and Spies - My Sister the Vampire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sienna Mercer
hurried over, releasing the crowd of shoppers she’d held back until then. ‘What’s with the
    Olivia shrugged, trying to ignore the glares of all the shoppers who’d been held up for the take. ‘It felt right in the moment,’ she said.
    ‘We should really keep it simple,’ said Camilla. But before she could explain what she meant, her jaw dropped. ‘Run!’ she gasped.
    Olivia didn’t even have time to look around before Camilla grabbed her arm and yanked her down the aisle, not slowing down until they’d turned the corner. Then, breathing hard,
Camilla hid behind the corner display of birthday cards. She pushed Olivia behind her, and peered back up the aisle they’d come from.
    Olivia stood on tiptoes to look over her friend’s shoulder. ‘What are we looking at?’ she whispered.
    ‘Shh!’ Camilla waved frantically at her to be quiet.
    Olivia opened her mouth to protest, then blinked as a nearly-empty shopping cart turned into their aisle, pushed by a familiar figure.
    ‘Um . . . Camilla?’ she whispered into her best friend’s ear. ‘Why are we hiding from my stepmom?’
    ‘Because I really, really want to talk to her!’ Camilla hissed.
    Olivia looked at her in disbelief.
Is this some
kind of joke?
    But Camilla’s face was pale and strained as she stared at Lillian with what could only be described as ‘yearning’. She definitely wasn’t making a joke.
    Gently, Olivia put one hand on her arm. ‘We can hardly talk to Lillian from here, can we? Not unless we’re going to call her cell.’
    Biting her lip, Camilla looked down at the smartphone in her hand. ‘Do you think we should?’
    Olivia let out a disbelieving half-laugh. ‘Camilla, what is
with you today?’
    ‘I can’t help it,’ Camilla groaned, slumping against the rack of birthday cards. ‘I just really want to get to know her properly. She’s been working in Hollywood
for . . . for, like,
    Olivia tried not to laugh.
You don’t even know how true that is
    ‘She could give me so much advice on real film-making,’ Camilla said miserably. ‘But I just can’t make myself talk to her!’
    ‘That’s ridiculous.’ Olivia rolled her eyes. ‘I know you’ve spoken to her before. What about at the engagement party? Or the wedding? Or –’
    ‘That was different!’ Camilla said. ‘We were just
then, about
things. If I want to ask her for help and advice, though . . . Well, I want
her to take me
    ‘I’m sure she will.’ Olivia nudged Camilla gently, trying to push her back towards the aisle. Over Camilla’s shoulder, she could see Lillian coming to a stop to look at
the rack of magazines. ‘She’s really nice. And why wouldn’t she take you seriously?’
    ‘Have you even
at me tonight?’ Camilla seemed ready to cry. ‘I’m shooting footage on a
. And, and, and . . . I’m wearing
completely the wrong beret!’ Camilla tore off her plum-coloured beret and looked at it sadly. ‘I need my
one when I talk to her. It’s my
    ‘Camilla –’
    Camilla shook her head, backing away from the aisle where Lillian stood, obliviously browsing a magazine. ‘I should go. I’ve got everything I need for the Pall Bearers’ video,
so I’m just going to . . . to . . .’
    Run away
, Olivia finished silently for her friend, as Camilla turned and scuttled off without another word.
    Sighing, Olivia started to follow, but then stopped.
Wait a minute
. Something about Lillian’s appearance had been niggling at her ever since she’d seen her stepmom turn on
to the aisle, but talking with Camilla had distracted her.
    What was it?
    Frowning, she peered back around the corner display.
    Unlike the last time she’d seen Lillian, her stepmom no longer looked ‘less-than-perfect’. In fact, Lillian had somehow found a way to look
perfect. Flicking
through the magazine, in an elegant black twin set and pearls,
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