Forever After (Montana Brides)

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Book: Forever After (Montana Brides) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Leeanna Morgan
acted like a jerk when you were here for your internship. I really liked you...” Hell, he’d fallen head over lust for the blonde nymph landing in his arms on her first day at the office. Sam grinned, remembering her feet tripping on the edge of a rug, files going everywhere, and her body pressed against his for all of two seconds.  
    “The thing is, I tried to keep my attitude to you on a strictly professional basis, but I ended up wanting a lot more than that. I shouldn’t have slept with you. I’m the chief executive of your grandfather’s company, not some hormonal teenager running after the first pair of pretty legs to walk his way. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I’m sorry for hurting you the way I did.”
    Silence filled the car.  
    Nicky had to be digesting what he’d said, or wanting to rip his throat out. Flicking a glance across the seat, he quickly realized what was going through her brain.  
    He looked again. Somewhere between, ‘I have something to tell you,’ and, ‘I’m sorry,’ she’d fallen asleep. The deep breath he didn’t know he’d been holding whooshed out his lungs.  
    So much for his apology. Sam’s fingers flexed against the steering wheel as his mind wandered over the next six weeks. She might be the best person for the task ahead of her, but she sure as hell wasn’t the best person for him.
    Ten minutes later he parked his truck in the basement of the Lofts. Nicky didn’t stir, not even a groan of disapproval to show she’d felt the vehicle come to a stop. He flicked his seatbelt off, pulled himself out of the truck, and closed his door with a loud thud. Still nothing.
    Moving around to the back seat, he lifted her suitcases onto the concrete floor.  
    He didn’t need any more complications in his life. Finding out who was stealing from the company was his top priority. Any personal feelings he might still have for Nicky wouldn’t be going anywhere this time around.  
    He stacked the cases inside the elevator, and then hauled them into her apartment. After he’d finished he went back to the basement. Nicky was still sound asleep.  
    He opened her door, silently staring at the woman who would uncover the biggest fraudster Scotson Construction had ever encountered.

    “Wake up, sleepyhead. We’re here.”
    Warm fingers rubbed Nicky’s arm. Her eyelids fluttered open, and then closed, trying to hold onto the whisper of a dream disappearing from her mind. Her gaze drifted over the face hovering above her, locking onto a pair of smiling male lips. Sam?
    Lifting her hand, she traced the shape and texture of his mouth with the tip of her finger. His lips opened, gently nipping her finger with his teeth and a wave of heat swept through her body.  
    She used her other hand to pull his head closer, smothering his soft groan in a kiss that left her aching for more. She pulled him forward, gasping as his lips left her mouth to slip down her throat.
    A heavy weight knocked her back into the seat.  
    “ Hell. ” Sam’s voice cracked like a whip against her skin.
    Nicky’s body froze. This wasn’t a dream. This was the real Sam. The same man she’d sworn never to come within ten feet of again. The same man lying half on top of her, struggling to get upright, with his face planted squarely in her chest.  
    Her breath caught in her throat as her hands reached for the thick brown hair tickling her chin. Yanking with all her might, she pulled his head away from her body.
    “ Ow ,” Sam growled. “What did you do that for?”  
    “What were you doing attached to my boobs?”
    He hauled himself out of the passenger door, rubbing his head where she’d pulled half his hair out. “I was leaning over you, trying to wake you up, when you started mauling me with your hands and mouth.” A grin slipped across his face. “I lost my balance when you tried to pull me on top of you.”
    “I did not.” Heat scorched through her body. Oh God, she had pulled
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