15 Secrets and Spies - My Sister the Vampire

15 Secrets and Spies - My Sister the Vampire Read Online Free PDF

Book: 15 Secrets and Spies - My Sister the Vampire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sienna Mercer
she looked more like someone who should have been on their way to a fancy vampire banquet, rather than ordinary grocery shopping. Her
hair was pulled back by a velvet headband, her make-up was perfectly – and elaborately – applied, and . . .
Are those false
    Olivia stared in disbelief at Lillian’s thick black eyelashes, which were at least half-an-inch longer than usual.
    Lillian would have seemed perfectly put together –
for a Hollywood party!
– if it weren’t for the glazed look in her eyes. As she put the magazine back and pushed the
cart slowly down the aisle, her gaze sailed over the books and newspapers on the shelves, clearly not taking in a single thing. And as for her ‘shopping’ –
    Olivia sucked in a worried breath. There was only one thing in the cart: a big bag of candy. Perfectly normal for some people, maybe, but Lillian
ate candy.
    What is going on?
    As if she were asking herself the same question, Lillian suddenly came to a dead stop, nearly knocking into another woman’s cart.
    ‘Are you OK, honey?’ the other woman asked. ‘You look a little . . . lost.’
    ‘Oh . . . um . . .’ Lillian blinked, glancing around as if she’d only just realised she’d turned into the Newspaper & Magazines aisle. ‘I’ll be
fine,’ she said. Then she added, in a lower voice, ‘I hope so, anyway.’
    She’s clearly not used to doing a weekly grocery run
, Olivia thought.
At least not in the FoodMart.
    Maybe that was it. Maybe Lillian was actually here for the vampires-only secret store hidden beneath the FoodMart. The BloodMart was where the local vampires went to buy their synthetic food.
Since she hadn’t been in town long, though, maybe she’d forgotten which aisle held the secret door that the vamps used to get there – and of course, she wouldn’t be able to
ask just any ordinary shopper for directions.
    At least I can help her with that part
, Olivia thought.
    As the other shopper settled in to browse a cookbook, Olivia prepared to slip over and guide her stepmom to Aisle Twelve. She was just about to start forwards when she saw Lillian’s gaze
suddenly focus on a book in the Life & Style section. She scooped it up from the stand, looked at the front cover – and burst out laughing.
    It wasn’t happy laughter, though. There was an edge to it that made Olivia freeze in her hiding place.
    Ohh-kay . . .
Suddenly, she didn’t want to step forwards after all.
This is really weird.
    From her hiding place, she watched Lillian replace the Life & Style book, then wander across to the travel section and pick up something else. This time, Olivia was close enough to see the
book’s title:
Life Escapes.
    ‘Oh, that’s fabulous!’ The other shopper looked up from her cookbook to point at
Life Escapes
, smiling. ‘Especially if you’re looking for a change of
    ‘You could say that,’ Lillian murmured. She gave a secret smile as she put the book in her cart. The next moment, though, her shoulders slumped and her eyes seemed to glaze over
again. With an audible sigh, she hauled the cart around and listlessly continued to another part of the store.
Life Escapes
made her smile, what was the book that made her burst out laughing? The moment that her stepmom disappeared from view, Olivia hurried down the aisle, veering around to
avoid the other shopper’s cart.
    Lillian’s first book was easy to find – but harder to interpret.
    Careers: Fulfilling Your Potential!
    Olivia felt a sick feeling of dread in her stomach. Lillian had gone from this to the travel section, hadn’t she? Following the same path, Olivia turned to pick up another copy of
    Was Lillian planning a vacation? Or . . . was it something much more serious?
    ‘And . . . cut!’ Camilla’s voice snapped through Olivia’s reverie. Her friend had reappeared, phone in hand – and she’d obviously been filming Olivia for the
last few minutes.
    ‘Great choice to pick up the
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