a kilo of saffron.
Alexander the Great
washed his hair in saffron
to keep it shiny and orange.
In 1999, a four-year-old girl
turned yellow
after drinking too much
Sunny Delight.
Russian has no word for ‘blue’,
only two different words for
‘light blue’ and ‘dark blue’.
Andy Warhol always wore
green underpants.
25 million Bibles were printed in 2011,
compared to 208 million IKEA catalogues.
The English version of Wikipedia
has 50 times more words than
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Up to 2010, Wikipedia had taken
100 million person-hours to write:
about the same amount of time
that the population of the USA
spends watching TV ad breaks
in a single weekend.
There is more information
in one edition of the
New York Times
the average person
in 17th-century England
would have come across in a lifetime.
When Einstein published his
Theory of General Relativity,
New York Times
sent their
golfing correspondent
to interview him.
The historic news of the
first manned powered flight
by the Wright Brothers
first appeared in the magazine
Gleanings in Bee Culture
, by Frank Herbert, the world’s best-selling
science fiction novel, was rejected
over 20 times before being accepted
by a publisher of car manuals.
Ernest Hemingway bought the
shotgun that he used to kill himself
at Abercrombie & Fitch.
Leonardo da Vinci
was the first person to observe
the curvature of the human spine.
Until then everyone had assumed
that it was straight.
Rosa whitfield
is a rose
named after actress June Whitfield.
As she pointed out,
‘The catalogue describes it as
“superb for bedding,
best up against a wall”.’
Someone who is
has an extremely prominent
Adam’s apple.
The symbols used by !$%@ing cartoonists
to indicate swearing are called
Jeremy Bentham’s body
has been dressed
in moth-resistant underwear
since 1939.
When Jeremy Paxman
was at Cambridge, he failed
to get into his college’s
University Challenge
Before Jeremy Clarkson
became a journalist,
he sold Paddington Bears
for a living.
Jeremy Kyle’s father
was the Queen Mother’s
accountant and personal secretary.
is someone who makes
feeble jokes.
is another word for
are stomach rumbles.
is Italian for
‘to cheat’ or ‘swindle’.
If you have a pizza
with radius
and thickness
its volume is
In 1998, 10,113 American women
insured themselves against
Virgin Birth
at the millennium.
The first motorist to be fined
for speeding in the UK was
Walter Arnold in 1896.
He was doing 8 mph in a 2 mph zone.
The first London Underground
trains were nicknamed
‘sewer trams’.
The world’s lightest metal
is 100 times lighter than styrofoam
and can rest on a dandelion puff
without damaging it.
the world’s strongest material,
is a million times thinner than paper
but 200 times stronger than steel.
To break through a sheet
of graphene as thick as cling film
would take the force of an elephant
balanced on the point of a pencil.
The pressure in the deepest ocean,
at the bottom of the Marianas Trench,
is equal to the weight of ten brown bears
balancing on a postage stamp.
All polar bears are Irish:
they’re descended from brown bears
that lived in Ireland
over 10,000 years ago.
More than half the world’s population
is under 25
and more than half of it
is bilingual.
Established writers and artists are
18 times more likely
to kill themselves
than the general population.
People with schizophrenia
are three times more likely to smoke
than the average person.
is a useful German verb meaning
‘to whisper angrily’.
The Italian verb
means ‘to pass time in a
Laura Cooper, Christopher Cooper