delightful but
Hungarian has no words
for ‘son’ or ‘daughter’,
but nine specific words
for different kinds of brother or sister.
In North Welsh,
the word for ‘now’ is
in South Welsh it is
the same word spelt backwards.
Gold has its own E number.
is officially suitable for consumption
by vegetarians, vegans and members
of all religious groups.
The Victorians
made tiepins
out of badgers’ penis bones.
Some parts of Tasmania
are so fertile that
the topsoil is 70 feet deep.
Trinity College, Cambridge,
has won more Nobel Prizes
than the whole of Italy.
The human body has 100 trillion cells,
each one a 10,000th the size of a pinhead
but containing enough DNA instructions
to fill 1,000 600-page books.
Every three seconds,
the Sun emits more neutrinos
than the number of atoms
in all the humans who have ever lived.
Neutrinos are 100,000 times
smaller than electrons,
but there are so many of them
that they may outweigh
all the visible matter in the universe.
If an atom were the size
of the Solar System,
a neutrino would be the size
of a golf ball.
The man who sees to the needs of VIPs
in the official presidential guest house
in Washington DC
is called Randy Bumgardner.
The founder of Pan American Airlines
was called
Juan Trippe.
The Archbishop of Manila
from 1974–2003
was called Cardinal Sin.
Robert Burns was never called
Rabbie or Robbie – though he did
occasionally call himself Spunkie.
The film
was based on a novel
by Peter Benchley.
When he couldn’t think of a title,
his father, Nathaniel, suggested
What’s That Noshin’ On Ma Leg.
As soon as tiger shark embryos
develop teeth
they attack and eat each other
in the womb.
If the three quarks in a hydrogen atom
were scaled up to the size of garden peas,
the hydrogen atom
would be 1,000 miles across.
If all the land in Finland
were distributed equally,
each Finn would have 14% more space
than Heathrow Airport’s shopping area.
Human saliva
contains a painkiller called
that is six times more powerful
than morphine.
The average American produces
10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime:
about the same amount of water as leaks
from the average American home
in a year.
The platypus and the echidna
are the only mammals
that could make their own custard:
they both lay eggs
and produce milk.
The Chupa Chups logo
was designed by
Salvador Dalí.
4,000 McDonald’s hamburgers
(as many as you could get from one cow)
are eaten every minute.
Every year,
4 million cats
are eaten in Asia.
In 2011, Chinese billionaire Long Liyuan
was murdered at a business lunch
by means of poison in his
When eating jelly babies,
nearly eight out of ten people
bite off the heads first.
More gold is recoverable
from a tonne of personal computers
than from 17 tonnes
of gold ore.
The gold dissolved in the world’s oceans
is estimated to be worth $475 trillion:
about 30 times
the US public debt.
In 1917, John D. Rockefeller
could have paid off
the whole US public debt on his own.
Today, Bill Gates’s entire fortune
would barely cover two months’ interest.
Tyrannosaurus rex
(65 million years ago)
is closer in time to us than to
(150 million years ago).
There are about 6,900 languages
in existence but more than
half the world’s population
uses only 20 of them.
In English, the name of every number
shares a letter with each neighbour.
One shares an O with two, which shares a
T with three, which shares an R with four,
which shares an F with five, which shares
an I with six – and so on indefinitely.
Archimedes’ number
periodu myriakis-myriston
arithmon myriai myriades
is one followed by 80 quadrillion