Zombie Bitches From Hell
attacks his good parts the way you’d think
grandma would eat some turkey on Thanksgiving.
    Eventually, an armored troop carrier shows up
and flame-throws the whole kit and kaboodle bunch of them. I like
that about these countries. They don’t think, “Maybe they have some
constitutional rights that we need to consider.” Nope, they shoot
first and have fun later. They turn this fire hose on the bastards
that is filled with Sterno or some shit like that and there is a
barbecue the likes of which no one has ever seen. Thick black smoke
goes billowing up into the sky and a good number of the pricks
being burned are not quite dead so they are running around,
screaming and trying to get help while the bitches are still eating
even though they, too, are burning. One guy falls into a group of
about six of the burning broads and as they are eating him from the
belly up and he’s shouting, their heads are on fire and the only
thing anyone can see is the slashing white teeth glaring out from
the blackened flaming heads. It doesn’t take long for the entire
crowd to be burned worse than a side of beef at a drunken Texas
    More soldiers show up and pot-shoot at a few
stragglers. It seems contained but unbeknownst to anyone at the
scene, the smoke is carrying the human ash up and out where it is
settling like tiny bits of soot everywhere in the region. One of
the American scientists with a wry smile that he sorta hides like
he’s pretending to be the Mona Lisa, says that the population of
the Middle East has been reduced by almost ninety-five percent.
What the idiot didn’t take into account was the fact that there are
a whole lot of our guys in uniform over there and what has happened
to them cannot be guessed but we all know it’s not good. We’re
hoping they’ve safely holed up but Jack Larson, one of the interns,
says, “Hey, guys, don’t forget that there are a lot of women in the
military. They got guns and ammo and know how to use it. Wonder if
the GaGa makes them forget their training.” No one answers but we
all hope that the disease makes the bitches lose their human nature
and just makes them mad with the hunger. What if they do get
organized, I think. Crap, I sure hope I don’t ever see that day

    I’ll admit I could not sleep the night before
we were going to leave. I went outside and sat next to a rock and
looked up at the sky. There was no moon and every star you could
imagine was shining and little meteorites shot past like bottle
rockets I had set off when I was a kid. I could see the red tips of
the guards cigarettes, hear them shuffling over the gravel as they
made their rounds. The transmission tower that I was so impressed
with when I got this job loomed up, black steel against the blue
velvet sky. Sometimes I still think this is all a dream, a
nightmare that perked in my brain because I saw too many horror
flicks when I was a kid. Maybe this is a dream and I’ll wake up or
maybe this whole world is a computer game in someone’s CPU, someone
who’s alive in the year 2500. And he’s fucking with us. Makes us go
through shit just to see what we’ll do and knows that he can hit a
key and we’re all erased along with the seven seas, the seven
continents, the eight planets, the milky way and the
universe—that’s it all in some supernerd’s new game that he got for
Christmas and he dreamed up the GaGa because he’s bored with all
the usual wars and cancer and AIDs and heart attacks and ragheads
blowing shit up. “Hey,” he says, “I’ll turn all the females into
flesh-eating raving lunatic monsters. Maybe that will be fun to
watch. Those concentration camps were cool and I loved Hiroshima.
But this is going to beat all. Hey, Fred, come here. You gotta see
this. Check it out.” Well, fuck him and his mother and his father
and Fred and anyone who knows the prick. Fuck them all to hell.
    So you see I’m not into wondering anymore and
I’m not going to
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