Yellowstone Heart Song (Yellowstone Romance Series Book 1)

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Book: Yellowstone Heart Song (Yellowstone Romance Series Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Peggy L Henderson
alone anywhere, much less in this wilderness, was a prime target for a lonely man.
    Daniel reached for another skewer and brought it to her, once more kneeling in front of her. As she reached for the meat, her hand brushed his lightly. His own hand lingered, her satiny touch sending a tingling sensation up his arm. He held on to the skewer longer than necessary. The bewildered look on her face finally prompted him to let go. The memory of her cold hand on his remained, however, and burned into his skin. He wanted to touch her again.
    “I’m sorry for being an inconvenience,” she said. “I don’t want you to have to wait on me. I injured my foot when I went over that cliff. I don’t think it’s fractured, but I’ll have to take another look in the daylight to be sure.” Her soft melodious voice kept him rooted to the spot in front of her.
    “I’m Aimee Donovan, by the way, and it goes without saying that I am very grateful for the rescue. One more night on that ledge, and I would have been done for.” She extended her hand in offer of a handshake.
    His gaze moved from her face to the delicate hand she offered. No woman had ever wanted to shake his hand before. Here was his chance to touch her again, to feel her soft skin on his once more, but he held back. A moment later, she frowned slightly, and her hand moved away to rest in her lap.
    Ask her where she comes from.
    Her confident and self-assured manner had him question his original assumption that she might be on the run from a captor. This was not the behavior of a woman who had been abused by a man.
    “We will travel in the morning. You should eat and rest.”  He turned and headed for his place by the fire.
    Aimee chewed the meat slowly. She waited several minutes between bites to make sure she could keep the food down, and drank small sips of water in between. When she felt sure her stomach would not reject the nourishment, she pulled her backpack toward her and unzipped it. She cringed. The sound of the zipper seemed to be amplified a hundred fold. She threw sheepish glances at the men by the fire. The Indian who faced her shot her a curious glance, but his companion didn’t react to the sound. Once she found her ibuprofen, she discreetly opened the bottle and popped a couple of pills into her mouth. 
    She curled up in the soft bed of leaves, and shoved her backpack under her head for a pillow. She shivered under the blanket, and pulled it up to her neck. The subtle hint of rawhide and pine, and something else she could only describe as clean and pleasant, woodsy male scent saturated the blanket. It was an oddly comforting scent.
    After spending two nights alone in the wilderness, the presence of these men was a reassuring welcome. The occasional cracking sounds coming from the underbrush in the darkness no longer haunted her into thinking she was some predator’s next meal. Her common sense told her that she should be afraid of them, but they hadn’t given any indication that they meant to hurt her. She was determined to show no fear. Wasn’t that what they did in the movies? Didn’t Indians supposedly hold bravery in high esteem?
    Sometime in the middle of the night, warmth radiated into her body from behind, and instinctively, even in her sleep, she moved closer to its source. 

Chapter 3
    Daniel lay awake, more uncomfortable than he’d been in a long time. He had noticed the woman’s body tremble under the blanket. He settled down next to her after he was sure she’d fallen asleep, so she could absorb some of his body heat. She must have become aware of his warmth, for she had moved closer to him until her entire body pressed up against him. He stayed motionless. He didn’t need a hysterical female waking up in the middle of the night.
    As the hours dragged on with excruciating slowness, the feel of her softness next to him stirred a fire in him unlike anything he had ever felt. The pleasant scent on her clothing and hair
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