Yellowstone Heart Song (Yellowstone Romance Series Book 1)

Yellowstone Heart Song (Yellowstone Romance Series Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Yellowstone Heart Song (Yellowstone Romance Series Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Peggy L Henderson
to deal with this new predicament.
    “If you had the chance to go back in time to the era of the trapper, live in the wilderness, just for a while, and experience it for yourself, would you do it?” . . . “Can’t tell anyone” . . . . “I’ll come for you in three months to send you home . . .”
    She shouldn’t be angry with Zach. He had warned her, and she just hadn’t taken him seriously. But who in their right mind would believe stories about time travel? The last few days had certainly made a believer out of her. And wasn’t this exactly what she had wanted for so long – to escape her reality - if only for a while?
    One of her rescuers rose from his spot near the fire and moved toward her, jolting her mind back to the present. Her heart pounded in her chest. She tried to take deep calming breaths. Okay, Aimee. You deal with all sorts of people on a daily basis in the ER. You can handle this.
    The man knelt in front of her and wordlessly held out a water bag.
    “Thank you.” She reached for the offering while straining her eyes to see his face. She could barely make it out in the darkness, and the only light coming from the campfire’s dancing flames cast moving shadows on his features.
    “Are you hungry?” His deep voice and perfect English startled her.  She hadn’t expected him to speak her language.
    “A . . . a little, but I need water more than anything else right now. I’m really dehydrated.” She eyed the man, what she could see of him, warily.
    “Let me know if you need more.” He gestured to the water bag.
    “Thanks.” Aimee smiled weakly. He hadn’t moved, and she could feel his eyes on her. It was quite unnerving. If only he’d leave. As if he heard her thoughts, he abruptly stood and turned away to return to his place by the fire. He said something unrecognizable to his companion.
    As soon as he turned his back, she managed to raise herself to a sitting position. She waited for the pounding in her head and the dizziness to subside, then put the tip of the water bag to her mouth, and moaned in pleasure at the wonderful sensation of the water soothing her parched throat. She warily eyed the men several yards away from her. The one who had brought the water sat with his broad back to her again. The other man sat across from him, staring at her boldly while picking pieces of meat off one of the skewers over the fire. 
    If you think you’re going to intimidate me, you’re going to be disappointed , Aimee told him silently. I’ve stared down much worse. Dr. Ashwell immediately came to mind. The man had the uncanny ability to make nurses cry.
    The Indian’s relentless stare annoyed her, along with the fact that she couldn’t understand a word of what they were saying. Most likely they were discussing her.
    Daniel called himself a fool for gawking at the woman after handing her the water bag. The light of the flames from the fire had illuminated different parts of her face, but soft eyes looked back at him, and her smile made his heart beat faster. He mentally shook his head, pondering his reaction to her. The woman’s soft voice and manner of speech, which sounded different than anything he’d ever heard, even in the big eastern cities, held his attention.
    “Maybe if you paid more notice to the meat, it wouldn’t be burnt now,” Daniel said gruffly, and sat in his place by the fire again.
    Elk Runner grinned. He reached for a skewer of rabbit while looking in the direction of the woman in the shadows. “The woman has spirit,” he remarked. “She is not afraid.”
    “Why would she be afraid of you?”
    “All white women are afraid of my people.”
    “And how many white women have you known?” Daniel snorted.
    “I’ve heard it to be so.” Elk Runner shrugged.
    “Maybe I will have a bite of food,” she called out from behind him. Elk Runner was right. This little woman sure didn’t seem to fear them, which was foolish. She should be afraid. A woman
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